Chinsouki is an online sugoroku-type game where players roll dice to determine how many spaces they can move their piece (vehicle). The goal is to reach destinations as quick as they can and expand their territory. Up to 10 players can play at the same time.
This game was tested with Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape Navigator 7. The game does not work properly with Internet Explorer 5 or Opera. JavaScript must be enabled, but Java Runtime and various other plugins are not required.
Use the registration form at the bottom of the front page to enter your name, password, and select a color, then press the "Join" button to complete the registration process.
Name | This is the name you'll use in the game. |
Password | The password you'll use when logging in. For security reasons, please use a password you wouldn't care about if it was ever leaked publicly. |
Color | The color of your vehicle. It cannot be changed during the game. It's fine if you choose the same color as other players, but it's best to keep things as diverse as possible. |
While playing the game, please do not press the "Refresh" or "Back" buttons in your browser.
Pressing these buttons will not affect the flow of the game, but it may cause you to log out.
Additionally, depending on the time of day, the server response times may be slow. Once you've clicked, wait patiently and don't repeatedly click.
The game is designed so that there is no advantage to players who repeatedly log out and back in. Please refrain from repeatedly logging out and back in since this places an unnecessary strain on the server.
*The timing for when "Snooze" and "Road closure" disappear--which will be explained further down--is unrelated to the number of times you log in.
After logging in from the top page, you'll see a map showing your vehicle and the surrounding area.
Click on the dice icon () in the status area on the left side of the screen.
A small pop-up window will appear showing the results of your dice roll. After you've read it, press the "Close" button.
*It's possible that the small pop-up window may not appear when using adblockers, etc. In that case, check the "Disable pop-ups" checkbox when logging in to use frames instead.
Once you've closed the small pop-up window, arrow buttons () will appear around your vehicle.
Click on the arrow buttons to move your vehicle in that direction. Once you have moved the same number of times as your dice roll, the move is complete.
*Be aware that you only have 5 minutes to move your vehicle. If you exceed that time before finishing your move, you'll return to your original location with one less die.
A single die is dealt every fixed period of time (6 hours by default). You can save up your dice and use them all at once, but there's a limit to the number of dice you can hold, so it's better to roll and move frequently.
Using this method, the player who is first to arrive at the destination listed in the status column will obtain the respective prefecture as their territory.
You can build buildings (described further down) in your territory. Additionally, other players who stay in that prefecture will have to pay you for accomodation.
The destination changes each time somebody arrives at the destination, and the player with the greatest total assets at the end of the game is the winner.
*If you happen to already be located at the new destination when the destination changes, or if you were towed by truck to the destination, you'll not be considered to have reached the destination until you've moved to a different location and back again.
The right side of the screen is the message area.
Various in-game events will be recorded here, but you can also write your own messages to it.
There's a limit to how many messages can be retained, so don't write to it indiscriminately.
There are various square tiles on the map, and when a player stops on one they'll encounter various events.
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A prefecture's capital city, used for destinations. You can build buildings on them if they're within your territory. |
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Other cities. You can build buildings on them if they're within your territory. |
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Roadside stations. You'll either earn money or pick up an item. If you pick up an item without having enough space to carry it, you'll throw it away. |
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Pay points. You'll pay for fuel or (in the case of sea routes) ferry fees. |
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Car dealers, item shops, casinos, etc. The icon next to it will indicate which type it is. |
To enter a shop or build a building, click the button that appears at the bottom of the screen.
The aim of the game is to increase your total assets. Assets refers to money, territory, buildings, and vehicles.
*Territories are worth 10,000,000 yen per prefecture.
You can increase your money to buy vehicles and items to advance in the game. You can also invest in buildings to further increase your income.
If you fall into debt, your buildings will automatically be sold. If you still have debt after that, your dice rolls will be limited to a max result of 4.
This speed limit will disappear shortly after you pay off your debt.
When somebody arrives at the destination, the player furthest from the destination will have their money halved as a penalty, so it's better to invest in buildings etc. than carry around large amounts of money.
Once all prefectures have become territory, a random territory of a player will be automatically relinquished and become the next destination.
When this happens, all the buildings in that territory will disappear, but the original territory owner will be paid an equivalent sum in money for them.
All players start with a passenger car initially, but you can buy new vehicles at a car dealer along the way.
Expensive vehicles have high performance, but they also have poor fuel efficiency, so the amount you'll pay at pay points will be higher.
*By the way, the cost of ferry fees relates to the number of items you have.
When a player reaches a destination, the player furthest from the destination will have their car turned into a bicycle as a penalty.
If this happens to you, you'll get your car back the next time a player reaches a destination, but not if you already bought another vehicle.
The abilities of each car are as follows. (Speed: highest possible dice roll / Load capacity: number of items you can carry)
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Passenger car | Speed 6 / Load capacity 5 |
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Sports car | Speed 7 / Load capacity 5 |
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F1 | Speed 9 / Load capacity 5 |
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Mini truck | Speed 6 / Load capacity 10 |
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Truck | Speed 5 / Load capacity 20 |
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Vacuum truck | Speed 6 / Load capacity 10 Will sometimes suck up items from other vehicles on the same tile. |
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Helicopter | Speed 8 / Load capacity 5 Immune to punctures. Cannot be blocked or hindered by police cars, accident fakers, tow trucks, road constructions, or road closures. |
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Tank | Speed 7 / Load capacity 10 Cannot be overtaken by other vehicles. Will sometimes blow away other vehicles on the same tile. Cannot be blocked or hindered by police cars, accident fakers, tow trucks, road constructions, or road closures. |
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Bicycle | Speed 3 / Load capacity 1 Cannot be blocked or hindered by police cars, accident fakers, or tow trucks. |
In addition to player, the following special vehicles are also found roaming around in various places.
These vehicles move of their own accord, and various events will occur when they stop on the same tile as a player.
*Nothing will happen if you simply pass them while moving.
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Police car | You'll be fined. (Your car will also be confiscated if you are drunk. Nothing will happen if you drive below the speed limit.) |
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Accident faker | You may receive a puncture, or the worst cases, your vehicle may be destroyed and be replaced with a bicycle. |
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Tow truck | You'll be towed somewhere. |
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Road construction | You cannot pass. |
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Grim Reaper | Something bad will happen to you. Additionally, if a Grim Reaper stops in your territory, the buildings may be destroyed or the territory itself may be forfeited. |
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Angel | Something good will happen to you. Additionally, if an angel stops at the prefectural capital of your territory, you may receive money. |
*Grim Reapers and angels will always warp to a new location after their events have occurred.
Vehicle information can be displayed by hovering over the vehicle graphic on the map.
The following statuses may occur from item-based attacks by other players.
They can also happen randomly in rare cases.
The effects will generally disappear after a few moves. (Snooze will only disappear once you log in after some time has passed.)
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Puncture | Your dice will only roll 1s. |
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Snooze | You'll be unable to roll dice for a while. |
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Drunk driving | You'll be unable to be overtaken by other vehicles, but you may throw away items and money in a drunken rage. |
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Speed limit 4 | Your dice can only roll a maximum of 4. This happens automatically when you're in debt. |
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Speed limit 5 | Your dice can only roll a maximum of 5. |
In addition, some items may give you the following advantageous statuses.
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Turbo | Your dice's maximum roll is increased by 1, and you're more likley to get bigger rolls. Additionally, road constructions and road closures can be passed. |
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No overtaking | You'll be unable to be overtaken by other vehicles. However, this won't stop vehicles using turbo. |
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Barrier | Prevents item attacks from other player, as well as interference from Grim Reapers, police cars, etc. |
All of the above statuses will be displayed as icons in the status column.
You can build the following buildings on tiles with place names inside your territory.
A building is not only an asset in and of itself, but it also generates income. You can sell buildings at the same price you paid for them.
However, all buildings within a given territory will be lost if you lose that territory for any reason.
Additionally, buildings will automatically be sold if you get into debt.
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House | Will not generate income, but punctures and drunk driving will disappear when you revisit. |
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Multi-story building | Sometimes generates income, but on rare occasions they can go bankrupt and disappear. |
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Factory | Generates a more stable income than multi-story buildings, but on rare occasions they can cause losses. |
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Secret base | Only you will be able to see it. Will not generate profit, but money and items can be stolen from other players who stop here. |
Items can be purchased at the various item shops dotted around or by stopping at roadside stations.
There are many items that can't be found in item shops.
To use an item, select an item in the status column and press the "Use" button. To discard an item, press the "x" button.
Additionally, you can use the "?" button to view an item's description.
*Items cannot be used while you're at an item shop.
When using attack items, you must first click on the target car on the map before using it.
For items that say "The chance of success depends on your distance to the opponent", they will have a 100% chance of success if the target is on the same tile as you, but the chance of success decreases as the distance between you increases. There's only a 20% chance of success for vehicles that are over 100 km away.
For items that require specifying a territory, select a territory from the drop-down menu in the territory list before using it.
You can also use attack items on yourself by targeting yourself.
Additionally, you can even use recovery items on other players if you set them as the target.
*When using recovery items on other players, the chance of success decreases as the distance between you increases.
Please note that in all cases, you can't target a vehicle that's currently moving.
The following items can be purchased at item shops, but there are many other items out there as well.
Nail | Punctures the target vehicle. |
Beer | Intoxicates the target. |
Sleeping pills | Puts the target to sleep. |
Beginner driver sign | Forces the target to follow a speed limit of 4. |
Aged driver sign | Forces the target to follow a speed limit of 5. |
Crackdown card | Disables the target's turbo/no overtaking statuses. |
Speed limit warrant | Sets a speed limit of 5 for all vehicles in the selected territory. |
Yakuza sign | You'll not be overtaken by other cars. |
VIP sign | Get barrier status. |
High octane | Get turbo status. |
Puncture repair kit | Repairs a puncture. |
Sober up | Stops you from drunk driving. |
Parking ticket | The target will be towed somewhere. |
Smoke bomb | Steal money or items from the target. |
Bomb | 10% chance of destroying the target vehicle. |
Summons | 50% chance of summoning the target to the same tile as yourself. |
Road closure sign | Sets a road closure on your current location. |
Blockade warrant | Puts a road closure on the prefectural capital of the selected territory. |
Passage permit | Removes road closures within a 100 km radius. |
Betting tickets can be purchased at the various casinos dotted around.
Once you're at a casino, buy a betting ticket for the player you think is most likely to reach the destination first.
If you win, the sales of all betting tickets will be evenly distributed among all players who guessed correctly.
If there are no winning betting tickets, all existing betting tickets will be carried over to the next round.
Occasionally, the following events may occur.
Typhoon | Players in that prefecture will be blown away somewhere. |
Roadside station boom | Every tile becomes a roadside station for a while. |
Oil crisis | Every tile becomes a pay point for a while. |
Recession | Everyone's money will be halved. |
Economic boom | Everyone's money will be doubled. |
Debt cancellation order | All debts will be cancelled. |
Traffic safety week | Everyone will have a speed limit of 5. |
As the game progressed, you may receive the following awards.
These are only awards, so receiving them won't give you any advantages.
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Rich Award | Received when you become rich. |
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Super Rich Award | Received when you become super rich. |
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Debt Hell Award | Received when you get into debt. |
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Super Debt Hell Award | Received when you get into super debt. |
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Good Progress Award | Received when you reach the destination 3 times in a row. |
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Dire Straits Award | Received when you get beaten to the destination 3 times in a row. |
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Hard Work Award | Received when you reach the destination on a bicycle 5 times. |
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Get Rich Quick Award | Received when you win a high-paying betting ticket. |
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Business Award | Received when you build 5 multi-story buildings. |
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Industry Award | Received when you build 5 factories. |
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Grim Reaper Award | Received when you've been attacked by a Grim Reaper 5 times. |
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Angel Award | Received when you've encountered an angel 5 times. |
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Kyushu Conquest Award | Received when you've made all of Kyushu your territory. |
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Shikoku Conquest Award | Received when you've made all of Shikoku your territory. |
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Hokkaido-Okinawa Award | Received when you've made both Hokkaido and Okinawa your territory |
Items with a description of "The chance of success depends on your distance to the opponent" only have a 20% chance of success against distant players.
There's a 100% chance of success if you and your target are on the same tile, so wait until you're on the same tile instead of wasting these items.
Once you build a multi-story building or factory, you'll start receiving a steady income, and the difference between you and the players who haven't built anything will gradually increase.
The price is a little high in the early stages of the game, but if you're thinking about building multiple houses, it's probably a better idea to use that money to build multi-story buildings and factories instead.
Some item shops sell an item called "blockade warrant".
This will turn the prefectural capital of the selected territory into a road closure, but you can prevent the Grim Reaper from taking the territory if you use this when a Grim Reaper is about to arrive at the prefectural capital.
On rare occasions, there may be road constructions along the sea ferry routes. Since these routes are single paths, you'll be unable to pass.
In these instances, it's possible to use the "high octane" item to obtain turbo status and pass them; however, even if you don't have this item, if you wait long enough on the tile next to the road construction there's a chance it will move behind you, allowing you to pass.