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Heyuri Drama Club~♪

   eri        if wwere passin out girl farts ill take wwhiff too wwhile youre at it

   Nobue        how much is this?

   myriad        Only 5 pesos. It's only 5 pesos for some loli fart porn. I think it's a reasonable price.

   Miu        ♬ the internet is really really great~~ ♪

   MysteryPerson        FOR PORN!!

   Miu        ♬ I bought a new computer so i dont have to waiiiiit~~ ♪

   MysteryPerson        FOOR PORN!!

   Miu        grrrr

   myriad        The internet has cool porn. But like... This loli fart porn is still 5 pesos... Won't you buy it? It's fresh.

   Kimura-sensei        FOR PORN!

Spaces don't work in character names for some reason...

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Produced by クエス (KUESU)   doramanbo Ver0.541 Created by Tacky
Translated and modified by Heyuri
Icons by chaccu (チャック)