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How old is Heyuri?

no larp plz
Rank Answer Votes Percentage Graph
1I'm a foetus 4 (4)26%
2999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 3 (3)20%
212 3 (3)20%
2fukken old 3 (3)20%
52 (2)13%

Total votes: 15 (including non-votes: 15)

(up to 80 characters)

(up to 15 lines, 1000 characters)

Recent votes/comments [View all]

fukken old
Almost 30
(2024/09/05(Thu)02:00:54) [View all for this answer]

Heyuri rules over all. Heyuri has been a concept since teh dawn of time. Praise heyuri.
(2024/09/01(Sun)01:27:07) [View all for this answer]

fukken old
the ravages of time are cruel
don't grow old lol
(2024/08/14(Wed)03:23:01) [View all for this answer]

I'm a foetus
I'm -10 and what is this
(2024/05/17(Fri)01:10:59) [View all for this answer]

12 year old cumslut looking to get raped and railed (boys only)
(2024/02/25(Sun)17:26:46) [View all for this answer]

im 12 years old and what is this
(2024/02/16(Fri)12:49:30) [View all for this answer]

I'm a foetus
fuck a opp that boy a bimbo
(2023/12/28(Thu)21:52:47) [View all for this answer]

masters ftw
(2023/12/24(Sun)07:52:48) [View all for this answer]

I'm a foetus
Compared to all the elderlies here, I am like a baby. Everyone is getting so old! STOP IT!
(2023/12/21(Thu)04:41:03) [View all for this answer]

fukken old
please help me i want to die
(2023/12/21(Thu)00:46:01) [View all for this answer]

im old and i wanna die
(2023/12/17(Sun)23:50:30) [View all for this answer]

I'm 12 X3
(2023/12/17(Sun)17:03:35) [View all for this answer]

I'm a foetus
yeah nigga I'm negative six months old
(2023/12/17(Sun)13:35:37) [View all for this answer]

im very old
(2023/12/17(Sun)11:07:55) [View all for this answer]

It's true!
(2023/12/17(Sun)09:35:21) [View all for this answer]

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Translated and modified by Heyuri [vote EN v1.0]