Tripfag spam on heyuri
Should blogposters/tripfags who make multiple threads a day be banned?
Total votes: 35 (including non-votes: 40)
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NoThe reason why 4chan was anonymous was because they thought it was easier to civilize, but we arent 4chan and i also can point other comment who said something similar, its one of the things that were an error, if you are annoyed by it simply for being, or for thinking it is“ego”, maybe the problem is with >you<, and if it is with them, it is a thing to deal with, anonimity is cowardy and internal issue, just dont feed the trolls.
(2024/12/08(Sun)06:03:38) [View all for this answer]
force anonymityTripfags ruined halfchan
Tripfags ruined 8ch
Tripfags will ruin any board they're allowed to infest
If they want a name they can go to another site!!!!
(2024/05/18(Sat)22:14:28) [View all for this answer]
force anonymity you could just remove the name field. then you wouldn't even need the little Anonymous label at the top of each post. if you want to tell people about your life in a long-term format, an actual blog would be better. then we can all chat in the comment sections for your posts <3
(2024/04/02(Tue)05:43:15) [View all for this answer]
Yesthere should be an error message that says "you already made a thread this week fag" when a tripfag tries to make multiple threads per week
(2024/02/12(Mon)19:06:41) [View all for this answer]
Notripfags are important to be annoying we need annoying people to have names
(2024/02/11(Sun)11:53:42) [View all for this answer]
neutral anons have been terminally butthurt about tripfags for at least a decade and a half
(2024/01/26(Fri)20:30:51) [View all for this answer]
NoForced anonymity is the dumbest kuso that ruins imageboards
Enjoy arguing with the same people about the same dumbness for the 138723913th time, because Anonymous-kun surely haven't heard your stupid arguments yet
(2024/01/12(Fri)12:17:11) [View all for this answer]
YesEither this or forced anonymity. These aren't even the good kind of namefags, they don't contribute any quality OC, or improve the board.
(2023/12/29(Fri)18:59:41) [View all for this answer]
neutral I actually don't notice them at times. Especially on Strange World.
(2023/12/29(Fri)18:46:24) [View all for this answer]
Yes>The point is to be anonymous
Funnily enough, that's more of a 4chan thing than a Japanese thing - most Japanese imageboards and bulletin boards outside of Futaba & 5ch use names and/or tripcodes, and tripcodes were invented and popularized by 2channel. Japanese bulletin boards weren't intended to be anonymous (many even force you to enter a name), they simply didn't move away from the registrationless nature of the pre-forum web
>Stop trying to mix your individualism in, it will be the downfall of Heyuri.
Name and trip users were the freaking start of Heyuri and long-been a core part of its culture - if anything, it's "anons" from 4chan who've been bringing it down lately. Lurk moar!
>6. TRIPCODES ARE PERFECTLY OKAY, YOU WILL NOT BE OSTRACIZED FOR USING THEM. We do not push that same "Anonymous ROOLZ" nanashi bullshit that shii did.
(2023/12/24(Sun)11:05:36) [View all for this answer]
YesWestern culture nowadays doesn't mix well with imageboards simply because everything is hyper-individualistic. The point is to be anonymous. Stop trying to mix your individualism in, it will be the downfall of Heyuri.
(2023/12/24(Sun)10:52:34) [View all for this answer]
Yesim usually okay with it but if it happens too much i think it should be moderated
(2023/12/21(Thu)02:03:55) [View all for this answer]
Yes>Just stop creating pointless threads
next up: write a 1931 words essay before creating any thread, address why creating such a thread is necessary and explore which problems of the planet can it solve
(2023/12/20(Wed)20:56:24) [View all for this answer]