Are you a fujoshi?
Genuninely curious...
and for the hell of it, you can add whether you are a shotacon or a lolicon! Or neither!
Total votes: 10 (including non-votes: 10)
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HAWT THINGS ARE HAWTi love cute boys doing cute things with each other
(2024/11/28(Thu)16:29:03) [View all for this answer]
HAWT THINGS ARE HAWTCtrlaltdel and Penny Arcade yaoi is so hot LOLOLOL
(2024/01/05(Fri)21:11:27) [View all for this answer]
HAWT THINGS ARE HAWTI'm a guy but I'll fap to anything if it's hawt!
(2024/01/05(Fri)21:07:21) [View all for this answer]