Is sharing cp of yourself bad?
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NoI was reading about how Rei Kuromiya feels about her junior idol pictures. Apparantly she's pained by negative attention and stigma coming from people who dissaprove and think it ruins the purity of her image, but she appreciates people who accept her for it and thinks the pictures themselves are rebellious and cool. Stockholm syndrome? Maybe... but I prefer to imagine otherwise.
(2024/04/02(Tue)05:18:54) [View all for this answer]
DependsIf it's like just with a fwb/bf/gf/whatever and you guys are of age relative to eachother, sure
(2024/02/26(Mon)03:55:14) [View all for this answer]
DependsDepends on how old you are. If you are older than 14 it's not bad (depending on how mature you are, it might be ok even if you are younger). It's also not bad if you're older than 14 and the CP you're posting is from when you were younger.
(2024/01/10(Wed)14:16:13) [View all for this answer]
NoOnly bad cause the law prohibits it and the general public have a weird hate-boner for it. Obviously baby rape videos are no good, but I can tell you from experience that plenty of minors are eager to share pics and videos of themselves, (and many adults can't actually tell it when they see it) Statistics actually show that most cases of 'Possession and Distribution' of CP are just teenagers sending each other nudes. Another example, I posted to Porn Hub when I was 16-17, building a small but solid following, then my posts and account disappeared when they started that crackdown to keep the advertisers happy--but there may well be people who saved my videos before that,and now they're fapping to CP without knowing,lmfao.
(2024/01/10(Wed)10:48:14) [View all for this answer]
DependsIt's usually pretty bad, but if ur going to be posting it publicly on an imageboard don't annouce that ur underage. Or preferably post your own underageb& nudez at all ^^;
(2024/01/07(Sun)14:36:34) [View all for this answer]
NoIt's only bad if it's putting yourself or the site to some kind of danger. Use Tor, remove exif data and whatever could identify you, then the rest is up to site moderation to consider
(2024/01/07(Sun)13:20:01) [View all for this answer]
DependsIf ur smart then no, if ur dumb (most kids are dumb) then yes
Posting ur n00dz publicly on the clearnet while proudly announcing to everyone that ur underageb& is pretty dumb...
(2024/01/07(Sun)12:09:11) [View all for this answer]