Change the default font on Lounge from pseud0ch to Pseud0ch Mona
To change away from the suxxing ariel font
Total votes: 11 (including non-votes: 13)
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YES!!!!!!!Actually yeah it fixes the post from people who don't know how to AA tag lololololol
(2024/02/12(Mon)17:59:01) [View all for this answer]
I have the biggest PENIS in the whole heyuri-spherepraise be to massive penis-san
(2024/02/11(Sun)20:28:28) [View all for this answer]
I have the biggest PENIS in the whole heyuri-spherenobody else than me can chose this item because ONLY I has the biggest PENIS in the whole heyuri-sphere
(2024/02/11(Sun)19:57:31) [View all for this answer]
I don't carewhats the point?
I am just voting because only 3 votes look bad.
(2024/02/11(Sun)19:53:51) [View all for this answer]
YES!!!!!!!Arial sux and I use teh Mona style - it just suits the site better I think
(2024/02/11(Sun)15:36:52) [View all for this answer]
YES!!!!!!!The current theme does the job, but I don't mind changing it to mona. I will throw in my vote as a YES!!!!!!!
(2024/02/11(Sun)00:20:49) [View all for this answer]