Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask?
Vote on the one you liked better
Total votes: 12 (including non-votes: 12)
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Ocarina of TimeI could run around the overworld for days having fun in that game and not even do anything.
(2024/03/26(Tue)16:52:21) [View all for this answer]
Majora's MaskI beat Ocarina of Time first (still haven't beat Majora's Mask as of writing ;_;), but I dig the different setting and mask system of the latter.
(2024/03/25(Mon)21:28:36) [View all for this answer]
A Link to the PastLTTP is the only Zelda game that is fantastic from front to back.
Simple as.
(2024/03/25(Mon)19:20:24) [View all for this answer]