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Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/25(Mon) 01:06 No.111
Is there any way to get access to the translated source for this game? I kinda wanna host my own instance I can mess with.
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/25(Mon) 05:38 No.112
Here j00 go: (hakoniwa2 EN v1.00)

Main differences from teh original:
- Translated all in-game text to English
- Converted everything from Shift-JIS to UTF-8 (also removed requirement and usage)
- Added "Next turn" countdown section to top page
- Various HTML modifications, implemented some CSS
- Created English manual based on the original online manual (advanced page is incomplete)

Things to note:
- Make sure to add passwords and paths to hako-main.cgi and hako-mente.cgi
- If you set up a new game using hako-mente.cgi, I think you'll need to manually adjust the game turn to "1" instead of "0"
- The first island will get an island ID of "0" which b0rks teh game, so make another (ID "1") and get rid of the first
- If you enable $Hdebug, you can manually trigger turns. However, the game uses an absolute time to calculate turn times, so you will be waiting a looong time until the next automatic turn. Example: It's 08:00 in real life. The next turn is at 12:00. You manually trigger the 12:00 and 18:00 turns before they were supposed to occur. You now have to wait until 00:00 for the next turn to automatically occur (;´Д`)
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/25(Mon) 06:31 No.113
Minor update:
On line 1375 of hako-turn.cgi, $str = "$value $HunitFood"; should be $str = "$value$HunitFood";
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/25(Mon) 19:15 No.114
Thank you <3
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/26(Tue) 11:38 No.115
No problem!

Another minor update:
On line 2584 of hako-turn.cgi, $value$HunitMoney's worth should be $value$HunitMoney\'s worth (I think...)
Mistranslation in hakoniwa manual? Anonymous 2023/10/22(Sun) 16:11 No.127
In intermediate manual:
>If landfill is used on shallow sea, it'll become wasteland. Additionally, if any adjacent sea (including shallow sea) is within 3 tiles, those tiles will become shallow sea.

I think it would make more sense if you change [i]within[/i] to [i]less than[/i]:

>If landfill is used on shallow sea, it'll become wasteland. Additionally, if the adjacent seas (including shallow sea) is less than 3 tiles, those tiles will become shallow sea.

Edit: I somehow messed up the post format and couldn't get it right! (;゚∇゚)
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/10/22(Sun) 17:47 No.128
>Edit: I somehow messed up the post format and couldn't get it right! (;゚∇゚)
The edit function here totally sux, don't worry about it (;^Д^)

>I think it would make more sense if you change within to less than:
I think I just totally b0rked that section due to me not understanding the mechanic it was describing when I wrote it XD

This wiki page has pictures that explains it better:

Basically, if the shallow sea tile you're landfilling has 3 or more land tiles surrounding it, any regular sea tiles surrounding the landfilled tile will automatically become shallow sea - this is obviously more turn & money efficient than using landfill on regular sea tiles twice

I'll update teh manual to reflect this, arigatou ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/11/16(Thu) 04:42 No.145
can someone give me a link to the raw untranslated version?
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/16(Thu) 06:30 No.146
The original site I got it from is currently 503'd ( https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa in case it comes back), but u can get it from along with many other versions

We're using the original 箱庭諸島2 version, and you'll also need the image set that's a little further down the page
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/11/17(Fri) 05:31 No.147
i give many thanks to you
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/11/24(Fri) 00:44 No.148
>The original site I got it from is currently 503'd ( https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa in case it comes back), but u can get it from along with many other versions
what about the original version from 1999? this one seems to be 2.3 from 2009
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/24(Fri) 02:55 No.149
>what about the original version from 1999? this one seems to be 2.3 from 2009
Hakoniwa Islands v2.3 (which is what we're running) is from 2000, with v2.0 and v1.1 both coming out in 1999:

You can get the v1.1 version here:
https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa (click on "スクリプトダウンロードはこちら" - it's listed as "箱庭諸島 (オリジナル)")

The same site also has a live instance of it running, so you can easily check it out:
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/24(Fri) 02:58 No.150
>The same site also has a live instance of it running, so you can easily check it out
...or at least u could until I just tried to play it and seemingly b0rked it (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

Translation and modifications by Heyuri