Table of Contents
Beginner's course
Character introduction
**mi. She's never touched a CGI game before, let alone @Party II.
She started playing because a friend invited her.
××ko. She loves @Thwack
more than eating three meals a day, but she can't learn it because her character is female. Very sad.
She invited **mi to @Party II.
Man in black. It seems he's very familiar with @Party II.
His true identity is… whoops, I guess we'll find out in the game, won't we?
Part 1: Let's register
So, this is the site that ××ko was talking about? “At Party 2”… right?
…it's my first time doing something like this, so I'm a little scared.
Another one… so a new hero has appeared.
My name is… ah, that's not important right now.
To join @Party, you need to go through a certain ritual…
For this ritual, your soul is… sorry, you must create an avatar.
In your world, this is called registration…
Weren't you about to say something disturbing?
Oh, I forgot to mention. To those who have played other online games or CGI games, you probably already know what I'm talking about here.
So if this part is too elementary for you, simply jump to part two…
Who are you talking to? Anyway, where am I even supposed to do this reggie-stray-shun thing?
It will be apparent once you see it. Select @Register from the links in the left-hand column.
Let's see, so re-gis-ter… oh? What's this?
This is where you set your avatar name, sex, job, and password (a unique mantra that only you know and can remember).
In this world, people who create avatars are distinguished by their avatar name and password.
Pay attention to character input limits…
Hmm~m… well, let's quickly fill out the form then.
**mi, female, Gadabout sounds pretty fun doesn't it? And then **** as my password…
What the-!? Don't scare me like that!
Once you decide your job, you won't be able to change it for a while. Each job has a different growth rate and different skills to learn.
If your initial stats are low and your growth rate is poor, you may never get stronger…
Have you taken a look at the growth rate of Gadabout? And those skills…
Eh, ugh, wow… seems pretty bad compared to other jobs… and those skills are questionable.
Your choice of first job is quite important… my personal recommendations are Priest, Mage, Merchant, Shepherd, and MonsterMaster.
I-Is that so… well, should I try choosing mage for now then?
One more thing. It is best to avoid using your real name as your avatar name.
You never know what kind of people are out there in the world…
If you let your guard down, your soul will…
Part 2: Let's quest!
Now then, this is the world of @Party II…
That's @Party's kanban musume—the pretty girl whose job is to attract players. It seems she can do fortune-telling…
Well, that doesn't matter right now.
Now, what you can see on the screen right now are the character images, chat log, your stats, chat form, and commands.
The chat form is what I use to write to the chat log, right?
That's correct, but in @Party II the chat is also used to perform actions.
Try writing @Examine
from the commands section below.
Woah! My information appeared!
If writing out commands is too troublesome, you can simply click on commands too… next, try entering @Move
Oh, huh?? What's all this stuff that's appeared?
It's a list of places you can go. To specify a destination, you write >Destination
Try entering @Move
followed by >Quest
Ooh, I'm at the place where I can go on a quest!
This is the basis of @Party…
Type a command with @
to execute it, and use >
to specify a target.
Well, most people just click on the commands and the images.
Now then, let's go on a quest. To create a party, you need to type @Make
Various things will show up, but for now, decide on a PartyName and choose PuniPuniPlain as the QuestLocation…
Please do it like that…
Ah, one thing I forgot to mention…
If you press the Speak button without writing anything, the chat log will update. This feature is useful, so please make use of it.
However, it is said that if you press it too quickly, you will fall into an eternal sleep, so be careful.
What the hell, that's scary…
Anyway, the quest has begun hasn't it? There's no enemies here, so I guess I press @Proceed
, right?
Right. Once you have killed all the enemies, you can proceed to the next round by pressing @Proceed
. There are no enemies at all on round 0, however…
An enemy! To attack I… use @Attack
, right!?
Right. And remember, if you use >
to specify the name of the enemy, you will target them…
You can also target an enemy by simply clicking on their character image.
…I'll tell you right now, if you keep going, you'll eventually run out of HP, at which point you should retreat by using @RunAway
. HP can be recovered by using @Home
and then using @Sleep
Isn't there a boss or something?
The bosses are on Round 10 of every quest location, but it's impossible for you with those stats and no special skills.
Part 3: Let's party!
Yoo-hoo! I see you were able to register just fine.
(It's ××ko! Her level's so high…) Yup. Some guy in black clothing helped me.
Black clothing…? Who's that?
Nevermind, let's go on a quest together!
In @Party, you can go on quests with other players.
I'll make the room for you!
Forming a party doesn't change the basics.
However, the overall damage you receive will change depending on your location in the party, and timing becomes a little more relevant.
The rear receives lower damage overall, so use @Rear
Let our quest commence! When you're in a party, the important thing to remember is that when you move, the enemy moves too!
It doesn't matter if the weaker one (you) or the stronger one (I) moves twice in a row, the enemy will move twice either way.
Basically, weak players shouldn't move until they're instructed to! If you move carelessly, it'll only cause more damage to us.
Rodger that! @Defend
I told you before! When you move, the enemy moves too.
You don't have to keep re-applying the defense since it will remain active until the battle is over, unless you move.
If you move recklessly, we'll suffer additional damage, which will only make things worse for us.
It's alright, just so long as you understand.
Awesome! And you beat the boss on round 10 too!
By the way, we've gone ahead and found a treasure chest. The way to open it is to use @Examine>the TreasureChest you want to open.
However, the treasure chest was empty…
-wha, what the crap is thiiisss!?!?
Don't worry about it.
After opening the treasure chest, we can disband by using @RunAway
Part 4: Let's use the facilities!
You appear to be doing well in your quests…
Uwah!… what do you want, man in black?
You don't have to be so scared…
No matter. How far have you come in @Party?
Uh, I can beat MushroomForest on my own now. HauntedCastle is still a challenge without others…
And my equipment still has a long way to go.
Equipment… come to think of it, I didn't show you how to use the facilities.
I'll show you now…
Huh? No, I know how to use the WeaponShop and all that…
How adorable. Some of the facilities I'm about to show you can be detrimental to you if used improperly.
Just because you know how to use the WeaponShop does not mean you know everything about @Party…
Allow me to explain. First, next to Quest you will find the Casino.
This place is a so-called amusement center. It is not for you, with so little money…
If you exchange all your money for coins, you will end up in serious trouble…
I'd never do something that stupid…
Next. As the name suggests, the Vault is a place to store your items…
If it is full, you will not be able to obtain more items, so be careful…
Do better Nikita-san! Only allowing 15 items makes things impossible!
The more you change jobs, the more capacity you will have. In short, you're the one who must do better.
…next. The WeaponShop, ArmorShop, and ItemShop are places where you can buy equipment.
This is only an introduction, but in the early stages of the game I recommend the BronzeKnife and other daggers and Robe-type clothing…
You can recover your strength at PattysBar. If you don't wish to sleep, you should come here…
The recovery amounts for each option on the menu is listed in the manual, so choose the option that best suits your needs…
Sensei, how come you don't have any friends?
On the second line, you will find the TombolaHouse.
Here you can use the tombola tickets you received from eating and drinking at PattysBar to win prizes…
It wasn't nice.
Next. MontysFarm is… well, as the name suggests, it's a place where monsters are kept.
Just like the Vault, it has a maximum capacity of 50 monsters, so be warned. Well, that won't be too much of a problem unless you've been playing for a long time…
You say that as if I haven't been…
The PhotoContestHall is… a screenshot contest where each “photo contest” is held.
Well, this place doesn't matter so much to beginners, but if you don't erase your screenshots regularly, you will be unable to take more, so be warned.
This will be the last one for now. The OracleShop sells things that I don't really understand. They're mostly useless, so don't expect too much…
Part 5: Let's use the facilities! 2
Well, next up is… the MedalKingsPalace…
I can pretty much guess this one by the name.
I must introduce you to all the facilities regardless…
At the MedalKingsPalace, you can use the medals you've offered to obtain items…
…huh? Why am I unable to offer a medal here?
Try using the medals while in your own home…
W-why am I able to offer medals from home…!
Next. AlltradesAbbey cannot be ignored in @Party. This is where you change jobs…
As I mentioned in the first part, when changing jobs, you should check the growth rate and skills of the new job and plan accordingly.
Be prepared, especially if you intend to be a Gadabout…
The ExchangePlaza next door… can be used for fortune-telling.
The AuctionHouse can be used to discuss trades and transactions.
Discuss trades and transactions.
At the EventSquare, there is nothing.
There is nothing.
…is way, way too short of a description, regardless of what it is. How is a beginner supposed to understand any of this?
If the description is short, it's a place that doesn't really matter to beginners. Do not think too much about it for now.
…well, I guess that's all you can tell me about those for the time being…
There really is very little more to the ExchangePlaza and AuctionHouse than what I described above…
I have heard rumors of traveling merchants visiting the EventSquare every once in a while… but there needs to be a large crowd of people, or so the story goes…
Next. The FountainOfWishes. This requires great caution.
Huh? What do I need to be cautious of?
You have played for a while now, so you should be aware of your job's SP.
Here, you can exchange SP for stats…
Hmm~. Well, let's try exchanging some no-
This is where the important part begins. SP stands for skill points; the more skill points you accumulate, the more powerful skills for your job you will learn.
However, if your skill points drop below the number of skill points required to obtain a given skill, that skill will become unavailable once more. This is extremely important.
At the FountainOfWishes, your SP is consumed and converted into stat increases, so naturally your SP will decrease. If your SP falls below the requirements of a given skill… you understand, yes?
In short, avoid using this place. As much as possible.
This is the last one for now, the AltarOfResurrection. It does not yet concern you.
L-lame! You're really gonna end it on that note!?
Yes, do you have a problem with that?
※You can use the AltarOfResurrection by offering 6 different orbs while at @Home
The ancient divine bird Ramia will be resurrected, and they will give you an item that allows you to quest in a special location.
Part 6: Let's use the facilities! 3
!!! Help me! The facility tour has gone south, and the previous part is horribly short!
At this rate, the beginner's course will end without the facilities being fully explained!
(…? What on earth is this girl talking about?) Well, for the time being, would you like me to show you around the facilities?
Or rather, the man in black… this guy… ah…
…may I get on with the explanations now?
First, the GuildSociety. This is where you can form or join a guild…
In order to receive certain missions from the HandymanService—which I shall introduce later—you are required to join a guild…
There are guild rankings, and you can participate in guild battles where you can fight other guilds in quest locations, but…
Well, even if you have a high guild ranking, it doesn't make the battles any easier, so you shouldn't worry about them much.
I'm gonna protest the guild emblem change fee!
Next. The NamingTemple. Here, you can not only change your name, but also your sex and password…
You should change your password regularly…
You shouldn't change your sex when you're just starting out. I reckon you should only do it when you're aiming for job mastery.
(Nice additional explanation. Will things continue to go this smoothly…?)
The BanishingOrder… I don't think you will need to use it unless you have a very good reason…
Here, it is possible to vote on whether or not to banish other players…
Before you do so, think very carefully about whether you should really use it…
As long as you have good netiquette, you don't have to worry about anyone using it on you.
As long as you have good netiquette…
The way you're saying it scares me…
Let's move to the next place. The HandymanService provides another form of quest.
You must obtain the items required by the quests, and once you have them you can exchange them for items exclusive to this place…
Well, this place isn't too relevant to beginners. At best, you'll be able to fulfill the “2x Slime” quests…
Even getting two slimes is pretty tough…
Now then, this is the last facility to be introduced…
Alchemy is the place where… well, you can do alchemy.
There it is! The painfully short description! Dammit, why would you go out of your way to end with such a short description!?
Okay, listen up! Allow me to introduce it instead. Here you can combine and produce various items based on the alchemy recipes you've learned by reading the BasicAlchemyRecipes sold at the ItemShop.
The items you can make may be rather dull, but they can be useful for solving HandymanService quests.
Sometimes, you can produce strong equipment.
I knew you would be more helpful. In fact, doesn't this place seem totally relevant to beginners!?
What made you wanna give me such a short description?
I figured she would assist me… I just saved myself the trouble of introducing it.
Now, now… at least now you've been introduced to all the facilities.
That's true. With this, @Party is gonna be even more fun!
Yup. You could say that “he who masters the facilities, controls the @Party”… I guess.
Ah, man in black, thank you very much for toda-
He's already gone…
Well, if you were only going to introduce four facilities this time, you could have fit them all into two parts!