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Cloverly cosmo 2024/01/01(Mon) 17:54 No.1233 [Reply]
Did the non-cgi part of heyuri really get DDOSED? I heard somebody say it was and I can't access the site
There are 7 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Anonymous 2024/01/04(Thu) 21:25 No.1253
i was scared for a moment.
Re: Anonymous 2024/01/05(Fri) 15:46 home No.1262
is it back?
Re: Anonymous 2024/01/05(Fri) 19:25 No.1263
nice ip
Re: Anonymous 2024/01/06(Sat) 11:54 No.1269
site isnt working again
Re: Anonymous 2024/01/06(Sat) 12:39 No.1270
woohoo 2chn wins again
Rex de PC98 2023/12/31(Sun) 08:38 No.1216 [Reply]
PC98 has improved our flag, and also developed a wartime flag, that will become the island flag during times of war
There are 8 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Suiseitou 2023/12/31(Sun) 12:57 No.1221
Thank you yakuruto-san, that's an amazing flag!!(i was gonna do it myself but i would never make something this good (^Д^))
Re: Cloverly cosmo 2023/12/31(Sun) 13:36 No.1222
New flags to celebrate the new year (^∇^)/ I barely changed mine...

Re: pen man◆HCgtCD43N. 2023/12/31(Sun) 15:33 No.1223
for new years i need my self a new flag for the new island i take over
Re: pen man◆HCgtCD43N. 2024/01/01(Mon) 05:46 No.1224
here is a alternitive flag for pen women
Re: Anonymous 2024/05/23(Thu) 04:29 No.1684
Cosmo of clover island 2023/12/21(Thu) 17:49 No.1134 [Reply]
Asking since im still a newbie, is there actually a way to join any organizations besides not being a war criminal (・ω・)?
There are 2 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Rex Imperator de Insulae PC98 2023/12/21(Thu) 17:52 No.1136
You put [name of alliance] at the start of your island comment
Re: pen man◆JE1M5w5l2A 2023/12/21(Thu) 19:30 No.1137
wowe a thread i didnt make this time
Web Banana Anonymous 2023/12/05(Tue) 23:13 No.986 [Reply]
Who did this? :angry: You are the catastrophic failure.
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Re: Web Banana Anonymous 2023/12/06(Wed) 00:19 No.987
At least it's not one of those "I don't know what this is so I'll put something completely unrelated that sounds similar" bananas (;^Д^)
Re: Web Banana Anonymous 2023/12/06(Wed) 14:37 No.990
No I mean why would he call the greatest empire to ever lived a catastrophic failure!!!
pen man◆JE1M5w5l2A 2023/11/23(Thu) 01:53 No.698 [Reply]
odds are its gone in 2-3 turns. when my oil got busted it was way over due for it being drained.
There are 3 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Anonymous 2023/11/23(Thu) 02:14 No.700
Re: pen man◆JE1M5w5l2A 2023/11/23(Thu) 03:05 No.701
the HAI needs to fix it so it puts me back in the same thread like it dose on the main site.
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/23(Thu) 05:09 No.702
>the HAI needs to fix it so it puts me back in the same thread like it dose on the main site.
Kokonotsuba doesn't do that unless u have auto noko enabled, and noko itself was a 4chan-invented feature - Japanese BBS software virtually always puts u back to the board index after replying to a post!
adding characters to drama club Anonymous 2023/11/05(Sun) 21:44 No.257 [Reply]
what would be the steps in creating and submitting custom characters, i would love to see the lucky star crew along with cory in the house and the boondocks niggys
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Re: adding characters to drama club Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/06(Mon) 05:05 No.263
If it's listed here or u can find/create a good icon set, I'll consider adding it ヽ(´ー`)ノ (but I won't add cory or boondocks so don't bother making them!)

Howevar, the way the script is currently written means I can't reorganize the icons once they're added without messing up the icons used in existing posts... so if I start adding random things willy-nilly, the icon lists will be unorganized chaos ^^;

A solution could be if I can make it sort the lists alphanumerically, which will make them unaffected by the config order, but I'm not a programmer so that may or may not happen ^^;
@Party II Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 04:45 No.9 [Reply]
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Re: @Party II Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 15:59 No.18
I want to have a Party Night!
Re: @Party II Anonymous 2023/11/05(Sun) 21:20 No.255
I learned that enemies have a wait time too
It's most useful with big parties against small number of enemies. For example, if 4 people attack the only enemy at once (assuming the enemy will live), it will only react to the first attack!

Also 龍-san is a Hongkonger player who found the game while searching CGI-SWEETS Party II on google, they can't speak English (Japanese seems somewhat better) but have been playing @Party II since 2012 with 2000+ job changes!
PENIS Anonymous 2023/10/29(Sun) 03:17 No.57 [Reply]
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Re: PENIS Anonymous 2023/10/29(Sun) 03:43 No.59
I'm gonna have to find a penis CGI gaem...
Re: PENIS Anonymous 2023/10/30(Mon) 10:04 No.64
IDEA: onani logger
Users will be able to log when and to what they masturbate.

Bonus features:
-stats of users such as "this user has came X times in the last 30 days"
-top onanists of the week/month
-social media-like features that allows users to comment on each others' materials
Mode Post no. Password

Translation and modifications by Heyuri