It's the other place to be!
General web chat room
Chat room for Heyuri-related development
"2-shot chat" rooms. Maybe you'll meet somebody special!
Collaborative drama/play writing board
Create and vote on polls
Multiplayer RPG with parties, jobs, guilds, and more! (manual)
Character battler system where you create characters to fight in automated 4-way tournaments
Multiplayer sugoroku-type game where you compete to reach destinations in Japan and win territory (manual)
Island development simulation game (manual). Peace-type instance.
Island development simulation game (manual). War-type instance.
Simple word association game
Simple shiritori game (requires Japanese text input)
Virtual gambling game. Try to win big!
To use this site, you must follow these rules
Check when the various areas of the site were last updated or posted to
Wiki-based guide to the @Party II game
Guide to the Hakoniwa Islands 2 game
It's the place to be!
File uploader
Heyuri's own personal wiki
We watch an anime together here every couple of months (vote for shows on Anime Nominations)
Nominate and vote for anime to be watched on the Heyuri Cytube
Nominate and vote for games to be played on Heyuri Gaming Days
Browser tool to help create Ayashii-style AA
Browser tool to help create 2channel-type AA
On rare occasions, Heyuri Townhalls are hosted here
Heyuri Bunkasai 2024 is here... a year passed already!? Σ(;゚∇゚)
This year I'm providing an English translation of Yumemiru Gambler (夢見るギャンブラー), originally created by Ez Club. It's a simple virtual gambling simulator featuring a lottery, horse racing, dice rolling, and rock-paper-scissors. Try your luck! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Ah, it's been a while... anyway, I present to you Battle Royale R! (originally created by D-BR, translated by yours truly)
This "game" involves creating simple characters and giving them dialogue, and then the system will take over and pit them with other players' characters to battle it out. Let's see if your character can win the illustrious Heyuri Cup ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Merry Christmas Heyuri! Your present from me is... a new CGI game: Chinsouki★! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Chinsouki★ (珍走記★) is a sugoroku-type game where players travel around Japan in various vehicles, competing with each other to reach destinations and collect territories, with the overall goal being to be the player with the highest total assets.
Along the way, players will pick up various items to increases their chances of success, as well as hindering other players in various ways... just remember: it's only a game! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
There's now a simple web chat room on Heyuri★CGI for casual real-time discussions: Chat@Heyuri! It uses the COMCHAT software by KENT-WEB.
There's no specific topic, so feel free to chat about whatever ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Heyuri Bunkasai 2023 is here, and with it comes a new board: Heyuri Drama Club!
Act out improvised scenes with other users by choosing a name and icon from a list (or coming up with your own name), and writing the character's lines ヽ(´ー`)ノ
A new board has been added to house discussions for the various games on Heyuri★CGI: Game Discussion!
We've launched another classic Japanese CGI game: Hakoniwa Islands 2! (originally created by Hiroki Tokuoka (徳岡宏樹) in 1999, once again translated by yours truly with help from kaguya)
In this game, each player has their own island, and tries to develop it while cooperating (or going to war!) with other players. Please check out the beginner's manual to start with (later sections will be added once they're translated), and you can also visit the Japanese-language Hakoniwapedia, as well as the original Japanese manual
キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! The first real CGI game has launched: @Party II! (originally created by CGI-Sweets, translated by yours truly with help from kaguya!)
It's a unique multiplayer RPG built around a chat system, with parties, dungeons, jobs, guilds (and guild battles), item & monster collection, screenshot contests, and more. Along with this is a wiki-based manual to help get started with the game: @Party II Manual
While kaguya & I prepare for the launch of Heyuri's first "big" CGI game, here's a couple of fun minigames to play around with: Web Banana, a simple word association game; and Web Shiritori, a simple shiritori game ヽ(´ー`)ノ
You can now visit Kakiko Checker, which allows you to quickly see when the various areas of the site were last updated. A little convenience goes a long way ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I've added a support bulletin board where you can ask questions, report bugs, etc. about the various areas of Heyuri★CGI
Welcome 2 Heyuri★CGI! (name subject to change)
This new area of Heyuri will house various CGI/Perl scripts from the Japanese web of the '90s and 2000s, many of which have never been seen on the English-speaking web before.
There will be bulletin boards, games, and many other fun novelties ヽ(´ー`)ノ