test thread! test◆3GqYIJ3Obs 2023/11/02(Thu) 00:44 No.151
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/02(Thu) 01:31 No.154
There's a support board for this purpose... https://cgi.heyuri.net/support/
Anywayz, teh password is used to edit or baleet ur post - howevar I don't recommend editing since it's buggy and b0rks things (I'll probably just remove that option) ^^;
Anywayz, teh password is used to edit or baleet ur post - howevar I don't recommend editing since it's buggy and b0rks things (I'll probably just remove that option) ^^;
Re: test thread! pen man◆JE1M5w5l2A 2023/11/02(Thu) 02:36 No.155
how would you edit or balet your post i dont see a button for it
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/02(Thu) 02:58 No.156
Go 2 the main board page, scroll 2 bottom, select "Edit" or "Delete", enter the post number u wanna edit/delete & ur password, then click "Submit"
I've just removed the edit option though since it's too b0rked and u can just baleet & repost anyway ^^;
I've just removed the edit option though since it's too b0rked and u can just baleet & repost anyway ^^;
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/04(Sat) 21:05 No.233
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/06(Mon) 23:43 No.283
Re: test thread! testthing◆.CzKQna1OU 2023/11/08(Wed) 13:12 No.382
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/11(Sat) 19:40 No.492
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/11(Sat) 19:44 No.493
Only up.heyuri.net is allowed!
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/11(Sat) 19:45 No.494
aww man, no ip grabbing for me
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/11(Sat) 23:27 No.503
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/12(Sun) 08:25 No.522
Can we has no porn?? At least here?
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/12(Sun) 13:19 No.527
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/12(Sun) 13:20 No.528
small correction, it was an hideout for Heyuri while Heyuri itself was down due to drama*
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/16(Thu) 19:53 No.620
Tired of seeing dick nipples everytime I come on here
Re: test thread! test 2023/11/17(Fri) 05:41 No.626
Re: test thread! test◆x.FJCrH16c 2023/11/23(Thu) 22:44 No.727
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 22:06 No.747
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/11/30(Thu) 03:06 No.824
I miss seeing PENIS nipples every time I come on here (TДT)
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 03:17 No.885
Ban these people.
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 04:01 No.889
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 20:22 No.906

[kao]( ´,_ゝ`)[/kao]
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/01(Fri) 20:59 No.912
There are no kao tags (yet???), but there are now aa tags for 2ch-style AA ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Re: test thread! DESU◆H7ri6EHAds 2023/12/01(Fri) 22:48 No.918
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Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 23:57 No.920
Re: test thread! DESU◆H7ri6EHAds 2023/12/02(Sat) 00:05 No.921
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Re: test thread! xbox 2023/12/03(Sun) 03:10 No.937
Im posting from my xbox 360 internet browser
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/03(Sun) 03:16 No.938
>Im posting from my xbox 360 internet browser
Sweet! How does it look?
I generally make no attempt to support older browsers with my HTML/CSS, so I imagine it's quite b0rked (;^Д^)
Sweet! How does it look?
I generally make no attempt to support older browsers with my HTML/CSS, so I imagine it's quite b0rked (;^Д^)
Re: test thread! xbox 2023/12/03(Sun) 03:35 No.939
mostly functional. scrolling issues on party2 and hakoniwa. most images dont load which makes hako unplayable. drama club and party2 ones do though?
Re: test thread! Wii 2023/12/03(Sun) 03:52 No.940
Testing on my Wii now and the whole site works perfectly (besides images here not loading). Nintendo wins again
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/03(Sun) 04:19 No.942
>most images dont load which makes hako unplayable. drama club and party2 ones do though?
That's cuz I was using relative paths (i.e. "/hakoniwa2/images") instead of absolute URLs (i.e. "https://cgi.heyuri.net/hakoniwa2/images"), and old browsers haet those
I've changed it and now images appear in a browser as old as Netscape 4, so it should werk on teh 360!
That's cuz I was using relative paths (i.e. "/hakoniwa2/images") instead of absolute URLs (i.e. "https://cgi.heyuri.net/hakoniwa2/images"), and old browsers haet those
I've changed it and now images appear in a browser as old as Netscape 4, so it should werk on teh 360!
Re: test thread! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/03(Sun) 20:52 No.957
>scrolling issues on party2 and hakoniwa
Not entirely sure what teh issue might be since scrolling works fine on the various ancient desktop web browsers I have, but one guess is that teh 360 browser is focusing on a scrollable element on the page instead of the main body
On Hakoniwa Islands, I wrapped all the various tables in <div>s with overflow-x:auto to prevent the page from being wider than the viewport on narrow screen resolutions. @Party has something similar on the @Quest current party list, but that's in the original Japanese release rather than being something I added ^^;
Not entirely sure what teh issue might be since scrolling works fine on the various ancient desktop web browsers I have, but one guess is that teh 360 browser is focusing on a scrollable element on the page instead of the main body
On Hakoniwa Islands, I wrapped all the various tables in <div>s with overflow-x:auto to prevent the page from being wider than the viewport on narrow screen resolutions. @Party has something similar on the @Quest current party list, but that's in the original Japanese release rather than being something I added ^^;
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/05(Tue) 20:35 No.982
is the main site down?
Re: test thread! HIA Public Relations Officer◆HIA 2023/12/05(Tue) 20:38 No.983
We received word from the mainland that there are currently issues beyond teh supreme leader's control...
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/05(Tue) 20:58 No.984
I thought the HIA only posts in the hakoniwa thread
also the problem is fixed now
also the problem is fixed now
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/15(Fri) 23:34 No.1072
cool dicknipple man
cool dicknipple man
Re: test thread! test◇3GqYIJ3Obs (fraudster) 2023/12/15(Fri) 23:35 No.1073
just farbed :(
but when i farb i puped :((
but when i farb i puped :((
Re: test thread! test◇◆3GqYIJ3Obs 2023/12/16(Sat) 09:28 No.1074

Re: test thread! test◆ozOtJW9BFA 2023/12/17(Sun) 11:22 No.1075
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/17(Sun) 16:51 No.1076
Fuck you
Fuck you
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/19(Tue) 15:19 No.1083
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/19(Tue) 15:20 No.1084
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/19(Tue) 15:20 No.1085
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/19(Tue) 15:20 No.1086
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2023/12/19(Tue) 15:20 No.1087
Re: test thread! Anonymous 2024/06/07(Fri) 15:24 No.1718
like wat dose password even do!