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Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 18:07 No.23
I think this BBS is a bad idea for Hakoniwa Islands. Having threads about it in /b/ is better because it can attract more people to the game (that's how I found out about it).

If all the discussion is here we'll get less new players!
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 18:25 No.25
it is a bad idea. i can see this becoming a webpage maze. unless it gets its own section? [ b / jp / o / q / sw / lounge ]
something like [ cgi / gd / hi2 / p2 ]

i know it makes sense to use cgi bbs but the curent state needs work and will segragate users.
if you where to make a poll on /b/ and ask if they ever check the other boards. have it pinned. i belive most would say no. i belive this is why party2 died, the 4 or 5 ppl that did stick around and play made oc and had a blast!

making it a normal board will also mean its more easy to moderate as you will have rss and other tools?
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 18:28 No.26
>(that's how I found out about it)
You didn't read teh blotter or see the big news announcement on the Heyuri★CGI homepage? (;^Д^)

Recurring/general threads on Off-Topic are also a bad idea - they make teh board feel stale, inhibit the cohesiveness of the board (see: fags in a recent Hakoniwa thread clearly not seeing the other thread where Game Discussion was announced and linked...), and it clogs up the front page which prevents other threads from getting a chance to shine (;´Д`)

It's true that Hakoniwa Islands will probably see less new users coming in this way (just look at @Party II, which fell off a cliff once threads about it on Off-Topic stopped being made...), but new island discoveries had already slowed significantly while the threads were still on Off-Topic

That said, I think Heyuri★CGI could probably do with better visibility/integration on the main Heyuri site in general - a tiny link at the top saying [cgi] doesn't really convey what it is or what's here (´~`)
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 18:53 No.27
Teh other difficulty is that there's no consensus on how things should be - users have been occasionally requesting a dedicated game discussion boards for a while, but naturally as soon as u do it, other users start speaking up about how they haet the idea XD

Personally I'm in favor it since it's how most Japanese CGI game instances operate (there's usually a setting in the configs for putting a link to a BBS, and Hakoniwa Islands is no exception), though the current implementation is admittedly not teh best and was kinda rushed due to increasing demand

I'll also add that during the last Townhall, most users present seemed in favor of Heyuri★CGI being more of a "sister site" with it's own homepage, link section, etc., due to the concern that all the many boards/games/etc. planned for Heyuri★CGI would clog up Heyuri's board list - plus it maeks it easier to launch things if only 1 admin and 1 server is involved, rather than trying to coordinate everything between 2 admins and 2 servers ^^;
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 20:39 No.28
>You didn't read teh blotter or see the big news announcement on the Heyuri★CGI homepage?

I guess the threads on /b/ do violate Rule 6 but 1 thread about it a week isn't THAT bad right...? Also it's true that the amount of new players has dropped off, but having all discussion here won't help get us any new players whatsoever.

>Heyuri★CGI could probably do with better visibility/integration on the main Heyuri site
>in favor of Heyuri★CGI being more of a "sister site"
I think CGI should be integrated more. The first time I bothered to see where the "cgi" link at the top went, it had me like ∑(O_O;)
It seems a little silly to separate the sites when they share the same name and userbase.

Here is my idea: a single never-expiring imageboard thread for Hakoniwa on the main site. That way all discussion about it will be forever in one place (Note: I have no f*cking clue how these kind of websites work so I apologize if that's a retarded suggestion). Or at least have a single normal board for all cgi-related things (and not separate the games into their own boards to avoid clutter)
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/25(Wed) 21:44 No.29
NO WAI Σ(;゚Д゚)

>1 thread about it a week isn't THAT bad right...?
Since threads stop bumping after 7 days, that means it'll probably be on the front page of /b/ permanently (;^Д^)

>It seems a little silly to separate the sites when they share the same name and userbase.
It makes moar sense when you consider that they're actually hosted on 2 completely separate servers, which are owned & operated by 2 completely different people (kaguya and I) - it's simply that the subdomain is configured to point to my server instead of the kaguya-operated one that it used to point to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

The reason why it's this way is cuz I'd figured out how to get these ancient Japanese web scripts running on modern servers (which I'd already been finding, fixing up, and translating as a hobby on my little local Raspberry Pi server for ages), while kuz (who owns/owned the rest of Heyuri's servers) was adamant that it was "impossible" (spoiler: it was not). So I got myself a VPS and did it myself ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>Here is my idea: a single never-expiring imageboard thread for Hakoniwa on the main site. That way all discussion about it will be forever in one place (Note: I have no f*cking clue how these kind of websites work so I apologize if that's a retarded suggestion). Or at least have a single normal board for all cgi-related things (and not separate the games into their own boards to avoid clutter)
The 1st idea would aspl0de kokonotsuba cuz it can't handle big threads, but teh 2nd (which I prefer anyway) could be done. Howevar, kaguya would have to agree to it and be the one to do it, since I don't wanna host imageboards on this server for a variety of reasons (;^Д^)
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2023/10/26(Thu) 00:08 No.30
>Howevar, kaguya would have to agree to it and be the one to do it

Simple solution: kidnap and torture him until he agrees to it! („• ᴗ •„)
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? kaguya 2023/10/26(Thu) 11:54 No.38
If you're a loli, I won't do it UNLESS you kidnap and torture me! (´¬`)

Warning: this post is a little disorganized...

What I would liek to have is finding a way to implement NEO MENU back and have everything listed on there under "CGI". That way everything would be in one place (as links) and it wouldn't look as cluttered.

While I am not really against creating another imageboard, I believe while Remix would be just perfect for discussing games, but (as it was told in the past on Off-Topic), it has a very bad administrator panel and is prone to getting spam. Neither of us are perl developers so it may not be immediately possible to realize, but using Remix for discussing gaems is at least a good goal to have. We probably don't even need the management script to be in perl, it would do the trick as long as it can modify the log files (rite?)

Another note: Since we can't have an overboard with so many different softwares, what all non-kokonotsuba boards (including SW and Oekaki) need is a dicksword notification system... I don't have any idea how to implement it, but it allows a small number of users to keep all boards relatively active.

>I'll also add that during the last Townhall, most users present seemed in favor of Heyuri★CGI being more of a "sister site"
It's more liek a siamese sister. They may have different minds, but they're inseparably connected to each other. How do they p00p is a mystery

>but new island discoveries had already slowed significantly while the threads were still on Off-Topic
That's mostly because there isn't a constant influx new users to Heyuri (;^Д^)

>The reason why it's this way is cuz I'd figured out how to get these ancient Japanese web scripts running on modern servers (which I'd already been finding, fixing up, and translating as a hobby on my little local Raspberry Pi server for ages), while kuz (who owns/owned the rest of Heyuri's servers) was adamant that it was "impossible" (spoiler: it was not). So I got myself a VPS and did it myself ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I can probably run CGI servers now that I have ssh access to the server, but it's still better this way for reasons u wrote earlier.

Bonus: The old Polls@Heyuri on the cgi subdomain was actually a PHP script!
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Cloverly cosmo 2024/01/19(Fri) 17:53 No.1311
>if you're a loli, I won't do it UNLESS you kidnap and torture me! (´¬`)

By that logic, if I DON'T kidnap and torture you, you won't let it happen?
Re: Bad idea for Hakoniwa? Anonymous 2024/04/28(Sun) 05:57 No.1614
>The 1st idea would aspl0de kokonotsuba cuz it can't handle big threads, but teh 2nd (which I prefer anyway) could be done. Howevar, kaguya would have to agree to it and be the one to do it, since I don't wanna host imageboards on this server for a variety of reasons (;^Д^)

I am unbelievably late to this, but maybe it would have been a good idea to use a 8ch clone site to maek a board exclusive to hakoniwa.

Translation and modifications by Heyuri