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chinsouki help Anonymous 2023/12/28(Thu) 07:15 No.186 [Reply]
is chinsouki b0rked?? i am trying to log in and i am left with a white screen
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Re: chinsouki help Anonymous 2023/12/28(Thu) 10:05 No.189
thank youuu
Re: chinsouki help Anonymous 2023/12/28(Thu) 14:20 No.190
Escape the apostrophes then!
var user_chat='${user{"*chat"} =~ s/'/\\'/gr}';
Re: chinsouki help Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/28(Thu) 18:32 No.191
I wish it was that simple - I've been at war with this game over apostrophes for a long time, and that's why if u hover over someone's territory u will see a backslash (;´Д`)
Re: chinsouki help Anonymous 2023/12/29(Fri) 01:20 No.193
By that I meant change this line in main.cgi

var user_chat='${user{"*chat"}}';


var user_chat='${user{"*chat"} =~ s/'/\\'/gr}';

It would only escape apostrophes in chat messages inside the javascript so you won't see any backslashes.
Re: chinsouki help Anonymous 2023/12/29(Fri) 03:02 No.194
And how about replacing all apostrophes in the translated text with single quotation marks? That's what the game does with usernames and chat messages.
Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous 2023/12/20(Wed) 22:22 No.164 [Reply]
can the HIA roll out a update for Hakoniwa adding snow on the grounds and frozen sea and change typhoons into blizards. maybe make the inoras have a christmas hat.
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Re: Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous 2023/12/24(Sun) 04:06 No.176
Can we get some music playing in the background of hako-main? preferably
Re: Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/24(Sun) 07:35 No.177
The only way to get music playing consistently without restarting every time u refresh/click a link/etc. is to use frames, and this game doesn't use them ^^; (some CGI games are designed with BGM in mind)

It'd be too much work in too short a space of time to mess around with adding frames to hakoniwa (considering all the other things I'm trying to do for Christmas), but I could perhaps add music to the Heyuri★CGI frames menu

If I do, I'll probably use sum wintery/Christmas-y royalty-free Japanese MIDI files or something
Re: Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous 2023/12/24(Sun) 08:35 No.178
>If I do, I'll probably use sum wintery/Christmas-y royalty-free Japanese MIDI files or something
Just as good
Re: Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/24(Sun) 12:12 No.180
Done, and I made a Xmas style for the homepage/menu while I was at it (I'm aware it b0rks the other styles, but I'm limited for time...) ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Re: Hakoniwa christmas! Anonymous 2023/12/24(Sun) 12:30 No.182
i am so happy how cgi is turning out to be i am really loving it all
Anonymous 2023/12/24(Sun) 10:10 No.179 [Reply]
Can I has translated YY-BOARD source code pls? I would like to host something like it on my site because I don't want to deal with cp spam-kun.
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Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/24(Sun) 12:13 No.181
Sure, but I'm a little busy over Christmas so it might take a while for me to get around to it (;^Д^)
Anonymous 2023/12/02(Sat) 13:08 No.159 [Reply]
error page when I try to send something in Game Discussion:


Contains forbidden words"

what do?
There are 4 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/02(Sat) 21:08 No.160
Current B& terms are "Im glad", "Hello", "Im happy", and "I am the new", since they're commonly found in the spam these boards get :sweat2:
Re: Anonymous 2023/12/03(Sun) 19:09 No.161
Thanks admin-sama!
(you can delete the thread in case you didn't want to give away too much info to spam-kun)
Re: Anonymous 2023/12/09(Sat) 15:07 No.162
...hello? Really?
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/09(Sat) 16:55 No.163
It's only when it's capitalized, since that's how it always is in teh spam ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site broke. Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 03:44 No.156 [Reply]
Reply function says the thread doesn't exist anymore, I can't post new thread AND the wiki is down! Pls fix!!!!
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Re: Site broke. Anonymous 2023/12/01(Fri) 06:56 No.157
Thank you!!!!!
Re: Site broke. Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/01(Fri) 10:43 No.158
Sounds liek I missed sum serious b0rk (;゚∇゚)
better poll style Anonymous 2023/11/29(Wed) 04:50 No.151 [Reply]
consider setting this as the poll, it looks better than the style it has now
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Re: better poll style Anonymous 2023/11/29(Wed) 04:51 No.152
also links split up now sometimes but it didn't use to do that
Re: better poll style Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/29(Wed) 10:00 No.153
Those types of scripts only allow a single admin-created poll as far as I'm aware - old Zian-type boards are the only ones that let users create their own polls (at least that are open source)

A lot could be done to improve the UI of the current (its already been significantly improved/modified), but it may lose its charm & identity if I go too far (;^Д^)
Re: better poll style Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/29(Wed) 10:11 No.154
Regarding b0rked hyperlinks - I dunno if it ever supported a http:// nested within a URL, but I'll try messing around with it
Re: better poll style Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/29(Wed) 10:19 No.155
I think I fix'd teh hyperlink issue ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/09/25(Mon) 01:06 No.111 [Reply]
Is there any way to get access to the translated source for this game? I kinda wanna host my own instance I can mess with.
There are 12 replies to this post. [View entire thread]
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/16(Thu) 06:30 No.146
The original site I got it from is currently 503'd ( https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa in case it comes back), but u can get it from along with many other versions

We're using the original 箱庭諸島2 version, and you'll also need the image set that's a little further down the page
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/11/17(Fri) 05:31 No.147
i give many thanks to you
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous 2023/11/24(Fri) 00:44 No.148
>The original site I got it from is currently 503'd ( https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa in case it comes back), but u can get it from along with many other versions
what about the original version from 1999? this one seems to be 2.3 from 2009
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/24(Fri) 02:55 No.149
>what about the original version from 1999? this one seems to be 2.3 from 2009
Hakoniwa Islands v2.3 (which is what we're running) is from 2000, with v2.0 and v1.1 both coming out in 1999:

You can get the v1.1 version here:
https://七海灯.jp/contents/games/hakoniwa (click on "スクリプトダウンロードはこちら" - it's listed as "箱庭諸島 (オリジナル)")

The same site also has a live instance of it running, so you can easily check it out:
Re: Hakoniwa Islands Source Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/24(Fri) 02:58 No.150
>The same site also has a live instance of it running, so you can easily check it out
...or at least u could until I just tried to play it and seemingly b0rked it (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
しりとり Anonymous 2023/11/12(Sun) 15:20 No.143 [Reply]
1- It didn't let me input イキ顔 earlier, possibly because of the 中イキ entry I made @ 2023/8/1 - is that intended? Over time we may face the same issue as Web Banana's
2- What do you think of adding a [掲示板] (or maybe [BBS]) link there next to [Home] that links to 日本語@Heyuri (perhaps youkoso.html)? They both primarily appeal to Japanese speakers, so it may be beneficial for activity
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Re: しりとり Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/12(Sun) 15:53 No.144
>1- It didn't let me input イキ顔 earlier, possibly because of the 中イキ entry I made @ 2023/8/1 - is that intended? Over time we may face the same issue as Web Banana's
As far as I can tell it just looks for an exact match, but I could be wrong...

	foreach $data (@datas){
($no2,$date2,$str2) = split(/<>/,$data);
if(($strings =~ /$str2/i)||($str2 =~ /$strings/i)){
print "<h2>It seems that this answer may already have been mentioned before.<br>Please go back and try again.</h2>";

It also won't allow an answer if somebody has already answered b4 u refreshed - teh translation I wrote for that error was a little off, so I've fixed it ^^;

>2- What do you think of adding a [掲示板] (or maybe [BBS]) link there next to [Home] that links to 日本語@Heyuri (perhaps youkoso.html)? They both primarily appeal to Japanese speakers, so it may be beneficial for activity
Makes sense, I'll do that
Regarding banana Anonymous 2023/10/30(Mon) 19:33 No.131 [Reply]
I almost can't enter any words without it saying they've been already used in the past, even if that's not the case(;´Д`)
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Re: Regarding banana Anonymous 2023/10/30(Mon) 19:50 No.132
There's a couple of reasons 4 that ^^;

1. It was very much made 4 Japanese, and doesn't work the best with English

I'll look to see if I can make it more lenient regarding re-used strings - rite now I'm pretty sure it would disallow progress if there's already programming, and I have no idea how it deals with spaces

2. It originally only stored X amount of previous answers (liek how an imageboard only stores X amount of previous posts b4 purging old ones), but I increased teh limit so we wouldn't hit it for a very long time

I don't rly want answers to disappear 4evar, so maybe I'll manually archive old answers on a separate page and then clear out old answers from teh active banana log
Re: Regarding banana Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/07(Tue) 12:23 No.141
I've removed the first 1000 answers from the game's log and put them in a static archive page - the link is on the results page above [Previous words]

It's not much of a fix, but it should at least make it easier to write new answers for a while ^^;
Re: Regarding banana Anonymous 2023/11/07(Tue) 18:25 No.142
Thanks! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
cool super epic glitch Anonymous 2023/11/05(Sun) 21:49 No.139 [Reply]
from the main page (
press the Rules hyperlink.
next click the [ cgi ] hyperlink.

keep doing this and you can have as many side bars as you want, while i am writing this i got 5 open right now!!
try this glitch before they patch it!
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Re: cool super epic glitch Anonymous 2023/11/06(Mon) 11:07 No.140
heheh... it's too late if you read see thread now (`∇´)
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Translation and modifications by Heyuri