It should be named Heytaraba BBS.
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Re: Add a Create-your-own-BBS service (Think Shitaraba) Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 23:32 No.14
It would be kewl for Heyuri to have a Japanese-style rental BBS service, but I personally don't wanna deal with the headaches and drama of running one (;´Д`)
It's best to just use existing Japanese sites (FC2 BBS has an English site and works pretty well from what I've tested: ), or use an 8chan clone liek
I still have the translated code to HeyuriRemix which allows you to maek ur own Ayashii World "boards" (which are basically threads to begin with), but there's no "board ownership" or user moderation, and it's a real pain in the butth0le to moderate (;´Д`)
It's best to just use existing Japanese sites (FC2 BBS has an English site and works pretty well from what I've tested: ), or use an 8chan clone liek
I still have the translated code to HeyuriRemix which allows you to maek ur own Ayashii World "boards" (which are basically threads to begin with), but there's no "board ownership" or user moderation, and it's a real pain in the butth0le to moderate (;´Д`)
Re: Add a Create-your-own-BBS service (Think Shitaraba) Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 23:34 No.15
PS: this board doesn't support tripcodes, so I removed it from ur name for you (;^Д^)
CGI homepage and Dating@Heyuri need favicons
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Re: Favicon Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 20:53 No.9
Weird - they show up for me on Firefox and Edge, but I'll add explicit links to the favicon for good measure
Re: Favicon Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 21:04 No.10
Done! Let me know if it works now - you may need to Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R on those pages
Re: Favicon Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 21:48 No.12
It works now ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Dating@Heyuri has net me 0 dates, please fix this admins.
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Re: Anonymous 2023/07/21(Fri) 21:06 No.11
Unfortunately, progress on hotsinglesinyourarea.cgi has stalled (;´Д`)
I'd make Vote the default option rather than Comment only
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Re: Anonymous 2023/07/20(Thu) 22:56 No.5
I've been meaning to try that, I'll do it now
Re: Anonymous 2023/07/20(Thu) 23:15 No.6
It's now the default - should be useful when you're voting for the first time, but time will tell if the "You can only vote once" error gets annoying when people just want to comment and forget to set it ^^;
Put it back to how it was before, please.
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Re: Anonymous 2023/07/20(Thu) 02:48 No.3
How what was before?
Here you can post questions, report issues, and help others regarding the various sections of Heyuri CGI ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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