comma bug in hakoniwa islands Anonymous 2023/11/03(Fri) 19:26 No.137
Re: comma bug in hakoniwa islands Anonymous◆Admin 2023/11/03(Fri) 23:28 No.138
It's a known issue - half-width commas get stripped out of user text input cuz half-width commas are used to separate data values in the island data files. Since Japanese writing doesn't use half-width commas to begin with, it made little difference to the original intended demographic of teh game ^^;
It's not a fix, but for the time being u can use full-width commas (,) as a workaround. I'll look into it again, but I'm no programmer... if any l33t hax0rz wants 2 take a look, teh source code is linked in this thread:
It's not a fix, but for the time being u can use full-width commas (,) as a workaround. I'll look into it again, but I'm no programmer... if any l33t hax0rz wants 2 take a look, teh source code is linked in this thread:
If you try post a comment with comma in it, the comma get deleted. The problem happends both on the island comment and in the tourist guestbook.