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Anonymous 2023/12/25(Mon) 19:15 No.183
i know this is nothing with CGI but it would fit here more then main site.

could there be a onsite voice chat where everyone is forced a same voice changer, but the client can tune stuff to still make a unique sounding robot voice (like a trip code)

have a base of 8 voices
trip can change the slightly change pitch and depth of voice
Re: Anonymous 2023/12/25(Mon) 19:20 No.184
i think something like this would implement the original idea of these boards but with the computing power of something more modern.

i am sure some testing would be needed and i don't want the server to grab up peoples raw voice and log it. i am thinking indistinguishable even if it goes to just pure voice to tts
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/25(Mon) 21:32 No.185
It's a kewl concept, but a very big task - most (all?) Heyuri projects are using existing (usually ancient) scripts with minor tweaks rather than creating whole new concepts from scratch

Creating some kind of multi-user VoIP chat service with voice changers is extremely non-trivial for our skill level (;^Д^)
Re: Anonymous 2023/12/29(Fri) 20:32 No.195
well. if something like this was made. would it be hosted??

i like drinking lots of alcohol and crave talking to others but i am a neet and i hate discord i refuge to.
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2023/12/29(Fri) 22:19 No.196
I dunno - voice chat isn't something I'm personally interested in, and I've only learned how to run old CGI/Perl and PHP scripts (;^Д^)

There's things like Mumble out there, which I believe can be used with some kind of voice changer

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