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pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 05:44 No.247
"if i see pen say “i miss nau” one more time im gonna kill myself."
he was basically asking for me to say it! i want a unban plox
Re: pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 05:51 No.248
also i am doing what you said, first i am starting with art! i think she would love it! its one of her fav characters.
Re: Anonymous#◆Mod 2024/01/30(Tue) 06:05 No.250
>he was basically asking for me to say it!
Goading you into saying you miss nau is no excuse to say it again! It just means you have weak will to resist the temptation! (`Д´)
Re: pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 06:46 No.251
well what if on teh off chance he dose kill himself. i cant lose a opportunity like that. thanks for your understanding!
Re: pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 06:46 No.252
WAIT I AM STILL BANNED! i should have checked first...
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/30(Tue) 06:55 No.253
Unb& - it requires manually taking u off teh list after all :xd:
Re: pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 21:50 No.254
it seems i have got banned again. can i pls get a unban.
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/30(Tue) 21:52 No.255
>can i pls get a unban.
Sure... eventually :xd:
Re: pen man 2024/01/30(Tue) 22:16 No.256
i cried when u said u where going to read the backlogs
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/31(Wed) 00:12 No.257
I ALWAYS read teh backlogs :cool:
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/31(Wed) 02:45 No.258
Ur unb&
Re: pen man 2024/01/31(Wed) 08:49 No.259
how long will i be banned this time boss...
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/31(Wed) 09:00 No.260
Long enough to dissuade u from doing it again!
Re: pen man 2024/01/31(Wed) 09:23 No.261
oh... idk if it will be useful
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/31(Wed) 12:58 No.262
Unb&, and also there's a surprise 4 u ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Re: pen man 2024/01/31(Wed) 16:08 No.263
THAT IS TEH BEST THING EVER. nau saw it and said she thought it was a glitch. i think she liked it
Re: Anonymous◆Admin 2024/01/31(Wed) 20:48 No.264
>nau saw it and said she thought it was a glitch. i think she liked it
Tell her she's welcome back any time, and that teh individual who said certain inconsiderate things has expressed their regret and apologized :smile:

Translation and modifications by Heyuri