Welcome to [Chuu Island]!!
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Rank Population Funds Food Area Farms Factories Mines
2 584200 ppl. Estimated 9000M$ 999900 t 8800 sq mi 148000 ppl. 120000 ppl. 315000 ppl.

(0,0) Sea (1,0) Sea (2,0) Sea (3,0) Sea (4,0) Sea (5,0) Sea (6,0) Sea (7,0) Sea (8,0) Sea (9,0) Sea (10,0) Sea (11,0) Sea
(0,1) Sea (1,1) Sea (2,1) Sea (3,1) Sea (4,1) Sea (5,1) Sea (6,1) Sea (7,1) Sea (8,1) Sea (9,1) Sea (10,1) Sea (11,1) Sea
(0,2) Sea (1,2) Sea (2,2) Forest (3,2) Forest (4,2) Factory (30000 ppl. scale) (5,2) City (20000 ppl.) (6,2) Forest (7,2) City (20000 ppl.) (8,2) Forest (9,2) City (11300 ppl.) (10,2) City (20000 ppl.) (11,2) Mountain (75000 ppl. mine scale)
(0,3) Sea (1,3) Sea (2,3) Forest (3,3) Farm (36000 ppl. scale) (4,3) Forest (5,3) City (20000 ppl.) (6,3) City (10300 ppl.) (7,3) City (11700 ppl.) (8,3) Defense facility (9,3) City (20000 ppl.) (10,3) Forest (11,3) Mountain (15000 ppl. mine scale)
(0,4) Sea (1,4) Sea (shallow) (2,4) Forest (3,4) Forest (4,4) City (10300 ppl.) (5,4) City (20000 ppl.) (6,4) City (20000 ppl.) (7,4) City (20000 ppl.) (8,4) Forest (9,4) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (10,4) City (19700 ppl.) (11,4) Mountain (75000 ppl. mine scale)
(0,5) Mountain (75000 ppl. mine scale) (1,5) Sea (2,5) City (20000 ppl.) (3,5) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (4,5) Defense facility (5,5) City (12300 ppl.) (6,5) Forest (7,5) City (20000 ppl.) (8,5) City (20000 ppl.) (9,5) Factory (60000 ppl. scale) (10,5) City (11300 ppl.) (11,5) City (10000 ppl.)
(0,6) Sea (1,6) City (20000 ppl.) (2,6) Forest (3,6) Forest (4,6) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (5,6) City (20000 ppl.) (6,6) Town (6500 ppl.) (7,6) City (20000 ppl.) (8,6) City (20000 ppl.) (9,6) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (10,6) Forest (11,6) Town (3400 ppl.)
(0,7) Sea (1,7) Mountain (75000 ppl. mine scale) (2,7) Forest (3,7) Farm (36000 ppl. scale) (4,7) Forest (5,7) City (11200 ppl.) (6,7) Forest (7,7) City (20000 ppl.) (8,7) Forest (9,7) Forest (10,7) Defense facility (11,7) Village (1600 ppl.)
(0,8) Sea (1,8) City (10000 ppl.) (2,8) Forest (3,8) Forest (4,8) City (10000 ppl.) (5,8) Defense facility (6,8) City (10600 ppl.) (7,8) Forest (8,8) Farm (36000 ppl. scale) (9,8) Forest (10,8) Village (300 ppl.) (11,8) Sea
(0,9) Sea (1,9) Sea (2,9) City (20000 ppl.) (3,9) City (10700 ppl.) (4,9) Town (4000 ppl.) (5,9) Forest (6,9) City (15600 ppl.) (7,9) City (10000 ppl.) (8,9) Forest (9,9) Forest (10,9) Town (3700 ppl.) (11,9) Sea
(0,10) Sea (1,10) Sea (2,10) Sea (3,10) Sea (4,10) Town (9700 ppl.) (5,10) City (10000 ppl.) (6,10) Forest (7,10) City (20000 ppl.) (8,10) City (10000 ppl.) (9,10) Factory (30000 ppl. scale) (10,10) Sea (shallow) (11,10) Sea
(0,11) Sea (1,11) Sea (2,11) Sea (3,11) Sea (4,11) Sea (5,11) Sea (6,11) Sea (7,11) Sea (8,11) Sea (9,11) Sea (shallow) (10,11) Sea (shallow) (11,11) Sea

Chuu Island tourist guestbook
*Secret communication costs 300M$.
Password Your island name Communication method
Public Secret
Name Comment Action
No. Recorded comments
12031: Chuu Islander > aiming 5,11
22020: Chuu Islander > aiming 5,9 (;´Д`)
31888: Chuu Islander > aiming 11,7
41883: Chuu Islander > aiming 10,5
51819: Chuu Islander > that didn't kill him!!?
61818: Chuu Islander > aiming 7,3 (;´Д`)
71747: Chuu Islander > aiming 6,5 (;´Д`)
81746: Chuu Islander > aiming 5,7 (;´Д`)
91743: Chuu Islander > aiming 5,11 (;´Д`)
101705: Chuu Islander > aiming 10,4 (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)

Chuu Island's recent activity
=====[Turn 2048]================================================
Turn 2048: At Chuu Island (1, 4), landfill has been completed.
=====[Turn 2047]================================================
Turn 2047: At Chuu Island (9, 10), factory construction has been completed.
Turn 2047: At Chuu Island (9, 10), ground leveling has been completed.
=====[Turn 2046]================================================
Turn 2046: At Chuu Island (9, 10), landfill has been completed.
=====[Turn 2045]================================================
Turn 2045: At Chuu Island (1, 4), a meteorite fell on the city, submerging the area.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
=====[Turn 2044]================================================
Turn 2044: Chuu Island had 5900 ppl.'s worth of refugees wash up out of nowhere. Chuu Island appears to have accepted them with open arms.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the city at (4, 9) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (3, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the defense facility at (3, 9) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it got caught in a force field above (4, 11) and exploded in mid-air.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it got caught in a force field above (3, 11) and exploded in mid-air.
=====[Turn 2043]================================================
Turn 2043: At Chuu Island (9, 10), landfill has been completed.
=====[Turn 2042]================================================
Turn 2042: Island promotion was carried out on Chuu Island.
=====[Turn 2041]================================================
Turn 2041: Island promotion was carried out on Chuu Island.

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