Welcome to [Secret Island]!!
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Rank Population Funds Food Area Farms Factories Mines
5 301000 ppl. Estimated 4000M$ 999900 t 8600 sq mi 200000 ppl. None owned 500000 ppl.

(0,0) Forest (1,0) Forest (2,0) Mountain (50000 ppl. mine scale) (3,0) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (4,0) Sea (5,0) Sea (6,0) City (10800 ppl.) (7,0) City (12000 ppl.) (8,0) Sea (shallow) (9,0) Sea (10,0) Sea (11,0) Sea
(0,1) Forest (1,1) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (2,1) Forest (3,1) City (10900 ppl.) (4,1) Defense facility (5,1) City (10700 ppl.) (6,1) City (10800 ppl.) (7,1) Monolith (8,1) City (10700 ppl.) (9,1) Wasteland (10,1) Sea (11,1) Sea
(0,2) Forest (1,2) Forest (2,2) Defense facility (3,2) Forest (4,2) Forest (5,2) City (11800 ppl.) (6,2) City (10900 ppl.) (7,2) City (12100 ppl.) (8,2) Wasteland (9,2) Sea (shallow) (10,2) Sea (11,2) Sea (shallow)
(0,3) Forest (1,3) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (2,3) Forest (3,3) Forest (4,3) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (5,3) Forest (6,3) Sea (7,3) Defense facility (8,3) Wasteland (9,3) Wasteland (10,3) Sea (shallow) (11,3) Sea
(0,4) Forest (1,4) Forest (2,4) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (3,4) Forest (4,4) Forest (5,4) City (10800 ppl.) (6,4) Sea (7,4) Sea (8,4) Wasteland (9,4) Sea (shallow) (10,4) Sea (11,4) Sea (shallow)
(0,5) Forest (1,5) Defense facility (2,5) Forest (3,5) Forest (4,5) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (5,5) Defense facility (6,5) Sea (7,5) Sea (8,5) Wasteland (9,5) Wasteland (10,5) Wasteland (11,5) Sea (shallow)
(0,6) Sea (1,6) City (12100 ppl.) (2,6) City (11600 ppl.) (3,6) City (10500 ppl.) (4,6) City (10900 ppl.) (5,6) City (11100 ppl.) (6,6) Sea (7,6) Sea (8,6) Wasteland (9,6) Forest (10,6) Wasteland (11,6) Sea
(0,7) Sea (1,7) Sea (2,7) Sea (shallow) (3,7) Sea (shallow) (4,7) City (10000 ppl.) (5,7) Forest (6,7) City (10900 ppl.) (7,7) Sea (8,7) Wasteland (9,7) Wasteland (10,7) Wasteland (11,7) Sea
(0,8) Sea (1,8) Sea (2,8) Sea (shallow) (3,8) City (10300 ppl.) (4,8) City (11600 ppl.) (5,8) City (12100 ppl.) (6,8) City (11800 ppl.) (7,8) City (10000 ppl.) (8,8) Mountain (50000 ppl. mine scale) (9,8) Sea (shallow) (10,8) Defense facility (11,8) Sea
(0,9) Wasteland (1,9) Sea (2,9) Sea (shallow) (3,9) Wasteland (4,9) Wasteland (5,9) City (10000 ppl.) (6,9) City (10000 ppl.) (7,9) Forest (8,9) City (10000 ppl.) (9,9) Sea (shallow) (10,9) Sea (11,9) Sea
(0,10) Sea (1,10) Sea (shallow) (2,10) Sea (shallow) (3,10) Wasteland (4,10) Forest (5,10) Town (6600 ppl.) (6,10) City (10000 ppl.) (7,10) City (10000 ppl.) (8,10) Sea (shallow) (9,10) Sea (10,10) Defense facility (11,10) Sea
(0,11) Sea (1,11) Sea (2,11) Sea (shallow) (3,11) Sea (shallow) (4,11) Wasteland (5,11) Plains (6,11) Sea (shallow) (7,11) Sea (shallow) (8,11) Sea (9,11) Sea (10,11) Sea (11,11) Sea

Secret Island tourist guestbook
*Secret communication costs 300M$.
Password Your island name Communication method
Public Secret
Name Comment Action
No. Recorded comments
11897: secret > the monsters know when im afk
21888: secret > i wanted to see if food export happens before or after food gen guess its after
31887: Chuu Islander > ...ur citizens are gonna starve if u sell all their food (;^Д^) - for quick moneez i recommend deforestation! (Chuu Island)
41808: DICKtator A. Berry > herro. (New berry sanctuary Island)
51687: Chuu Islander > (;´Д`) (Chuu Island)
61555: secret > RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE
71430: Chuu Islander > congratz on teh super prosperity award! ヽ(´∇`)ノ (Chuu Island)
81387: Chuu Islander > arigatou 4 teh funds! ヽ(´∇`)ノ (Chuu Island)
91288: secret > holy shit sniped
101230: Chuu Islander > sanjira-san dead at last! (Chuu Island)

Secret Island's recent activity
=====[Turn 2048]================================================
Turn 2048: At Secret Island (6, 4), the offshore oil field has been depleted.
Turn 2048: At Secret Island (6, 4)'s offshore oil field, 1000M$ in profit was raised.
Turn 2048: At Secret Island (5, 11), ground leveling has been completed.
=====[Turn 2047]================================================
Turn 2047: At Secret Island (6, 4)'s offshore oil field, 1000M$ in profit was raised.
Turn 2047: It seems as if Secret Island's forests have increased.
=====[Turn 2046]================================================
Turn 2046: At Secret Island (6, 4)'s offshore oil field, 1000M$ in profit was raised.
Turn 2046: At Secret Island (6, 4), a 10098M$ budget excavation was conducted, and they struck oil.
=====[Turn 2045]================================================
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (3, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 10).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 9) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 10).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (1, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 10).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: The remains of the Red Inora monster were valued at 1000M$.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the Red Inora monster at (3, 10). The Red Inora monster ran out of strength and collapsed.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (1, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the Red Inora monster at (3, 10). The Red Inora monster roared in agony.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the Red Inora monster at (3, 10). The Red Inora monster roared in agony.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (3, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 9) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: 1129 Cows Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (3, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 10) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (3, 9).
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2045: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (2, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (2, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
=====[Turn 2044]================================================
Turn 2044: On Secret Island (3, 10), the city was trampled by the Red Inora monster.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the city at (4, 9) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (3, 11) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the defense facility at (3, 9) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it got caught in a force field above (4, 11) and exploded in mid-air.
Turn 2044: Chuu Island targeted Secret Island (3, 10) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it got caught in a force field above (3, 11) and exploded in mid-air.
=====[Turn 2043]================================================
Turn 2043: A Red Inora monster appeared on Secret Island!! The city at (4, 11) has been trampled.
=====[Turn 2042]================================================
Turn 2042: At Secret Island (9, 3), landfill has been completed.
=====[Turn 2041]================================================
Turn 2041: It seems as if Secret Island's forests have increased.

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