Welcome to [Gensokyo Island]!!
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Rank Population Funds Food Area Farms Factories Mines
1 800900 ppl. Estimated 3000M$ 999900 t 8600 sq mi 184000 ppl. None owned 800000 ppl.

(0,0) Sea (1,0) Sea (shallow) (2,0) Sea (3,0) Sea (shallow) (4,0) Sea (5,0) Sea (6,0) Sea (shallow) (7,0) Sea (8,0) Sea (shallow) (9,0) Sea (10,0) Sea (11,0) Sea
(0,1) Sea (1,1) Sea (shallow) (2,1) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (3,1) City (13100 ppl.) (4,1) City (17500 ppl.) (5,1) Sea (shallow) (6,1) Sea (7,1) Sea (shallow) (8,1) Sea (shallow) (9,1) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (10,1) Sea (11,1) Sea
(0,2) Sea (1,2) Sea (shallow) (2,2) City (14700 ppl.) (3,2) Forest (4,2) City (13500 ppl.) (5,2) City (14000 ppl.) (6,2) City (13400 ppl.) (7,2) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (8,2) City (16800 ppl.) (9,2) City (16000 ppl.) (10,2) Sea (11,2) Sea
(0,3) Sea (1,3) Sea (shallow) (2,3) Sea (3,3) City (13700 ppl.) (4,3) City (14300 ppl.) (5,3) City (14200 ppl.) (6,3) Forest (7,3) City (12900 ppl.) (8,3) City (13300 ppl.) (9,3) Forest (10,3) City (16200 ppl.) (11,3) Sea
(0,4) Sea (shallow) (1,4) City (13200 ppl.) (2,4) City (15300 ppl.) (3,4) City (20000 ppl.) (4,4) Sea (shallow) (5,4) City (11000 ppl.) (6,4) City (12600 ppl.) (7,4) Sea (shallow) (8,4) City (14400 ppl.) (9,4) City (14600 ppl.) (10,4) Sea (11,4) Sea
(0,5) Sea (shallow) (1,5) City (12500 ppl.) (2,5) Forest (3,5) Forest (4,5) City (10900 ppl.) (5,5) City (11300 ppl.) (6,5) Sea (shallow) (7,5) City (14800 ppl.) (8,5) City (14300 ppl.) (9,5) Sea (10,5) Sea (11,5) Sea
(0,6) City (12200 ppl.) (1,6) Plains (2,6) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (3,6) Forest (4,6) Forest (5,6) City (11100 ppl.) (6,6) City (14300 ppl.) (7,6) Forest (8,6) City (14300 ppl.) (9,6) City (16200 ppl.) (10,6) City (18300 ppl.) (11,6) Sea (shallow)
(0,7) Sea (1,7) Defense facility (2,7) Forest (3,7) Forest (4,7) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (5,7) Forest (6,7) City (19700 ppl.) (7,7) City (15300 ppl.) (8,7) City (15400 ppl.) (9,7) City (15800 ppl.) (10,7) Forest (11,7) City (14200 ppl.)
(0,8) City (12800 ppl.) (1,8) Forest (2,8) Farm (50000 ppl. scale) (3,8) Forest (4,8) Forest (5,8) City (19400 ppl.) (6,8) Sea (shallow) (7,8) City (14100 ppl.) (8,8) City (13900 ppl.) (9,8) City (20000 ppl.) (10,8) City (14000 ppl.) (11,8) Sea (shallow)
(0,9) Sea (1,9) City (14200 ppl.) (2,9) Forest (3,9) Forest (4,9) Farm (34000 ppl. scale) (5,9) Forest (6,9) City (14700 ppl.) (7,9) City (18900 ppl.) (8,9) Forest (9,9) City (14100 ppl.) (10,9) Mountain (200000 ppl. mine scale) (11,9) Sea
(0,10) Sea (1,10) City (14400 ppl.) (2,10) City (15100 ppl.) (3,10) Forest (4,10) Forest (5,10) City (14800 ppl.) (6,10) Sea (7,10) City (12600 ppl.) (8,10) City (12700 ppl.) (9,10) Sea (10,10) Sea (11,10) Sea
(0,11) Sea (1,11) Sea (2,11) Sea (3,11) City (13800 ppl.) (4,11) City (12900 ppl.) (5,11) City (13200 ppl.) (6,11) Sea (7,11) Sea (8,11) Sea (9,11) Sea (10,11) Sea (11,11) Sea

Gensokyo Island tourist guestbook
*Secret communication costs 300M$.
Password Your island name Communication method
Public Secret
Name Comment Action
No. Recorded comments
12002: kaguya > I’ll aim at 5,5
21471: kaguya > I forgot about king inora Σ(;゚∇゚)
31446: kaguya > kaiju like that spot...
41404: kaguya > abunai! I will handle it
51341: kaguya > and I forgot to send my plans earlier (;゚∇゚)
61340: Chuu Islander > OH SHIT I DIDN'T SEE UR MESSAGE GOMENNASAI m(_ _)m (Chuu Island)
71339: kaguya > 6,8 - factory is hueg
81332: Chuu Islander > i've never seen hakoniwa kamisama this angry (;゚∇゚) (Chuu Island)
91325: kaguya > geh... I'll ground level the facility next turn and aim for 8.8 - I can probably handle it
101325: COW > Gomen,I forgot there's a defense facility... (1129 Cows Island)

Gensokyo Island's recent activity
=====[Turn 2048]================================================
Turn 2048: At Gensokyo Island (1, 6), deforestation has been completed.
=====[Turn 2047]================================================
Turn 2047: At Gensokyo Island (?, ?), undersea base construction has been completed.
=====[Turn 2046]================================================
Turn 2046: It seems as if Gensokyo Island's forests have increased.
=====[Turn 2045]================================================
Turn 2045: At Gensokyo Island (6, 3), deforestation has been completed.
=====[Turn 2044]================================================
Turn 2044: At Gensokyo Island (2, 1), mine development has been completed.
=====[Turn 2043]================================================
Turn 2043: Island promotion was carried out on Gensokyo Island.
=====[Turn 2042]================================================
Turn 2042: Island promotion was carried out on Gensokyo Island.
=====[Turn 2041]================================================
Turn 2041: Island promotion was carried out on Gensokyo Island.

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