Welcome to [HACHIKUJI Island]!!
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Rank Population Funds Food Area Farms Factories Mines
5 270000 ppl. Estimated 9000M$ 563700 t 8200 sq mi 70000 ppl. None owned None owned

(0,0) Sea (1,0) Farm (16000 ppl. scale) (2,0) Forest (3,0) Farm (24000 ppl. scale) (4,0) Forest (5,0) Forest (6,0) Forest (7,0) Forest (8,0) Forest (9,0) Sea (10,0) Farm (16000 ppl. scale) (11,0) Wasteland
(0,1) Sea (1,1) Forest (2,1) Forest (3,1) Sea (shallow) (4,1) Sea (shallow) (5,1) Sea (6,1) Sea (shallow) (7,1) Sea (shallow) (8,1) Sea (9,1) Sea (10,1) Forest (11,1) Sea
(0,2) Sea (1,2) Sea (shallow) (2,2) City (10000 ppl.) (3,2) Sea (4,2) Sea (5,2) Wasteland (6,2) Forest (7,2) City (10000 ppl.) (8,2) Forest (9,2) Sea (shallow) (10,2) Sea (11,2) Sea
(0,3) Sea (1,3) Sea (shallow) (2,3) City (10000 ppl.) (3,3) Forest (4,3) Wasteland (5,3) Wasteland (6,3) City (10000 ppl.) (7,3) Wasteland (8,3) Wasteland (9,3) Wasteland (10,3) Sea (shallow) (11,3) Sea
(0,4) Sea (shallow) (1,4) City (10000 ppl.) (2,4) City (10000 ppl.) (3,4) City (10000 ppl.) (4,4) City (10000 ppl.) (5,4) City (10000 ppl.) (6,4) Wasteland (7,4) Sea (shallow) (8,4) Sea (shallow) (9,4) Wasteland (10,4) Sea (shallow) (11,4) Sea
(0,5) Sea (shallow) (1,5) City (10000 ppl.) (2,5) Forest (3,5) City (10000 ppl.) (4,5) City (10000 ppl.) (5,5) Forest (6,5) Wasteland (7,5) Sea (shallow) (8,5) Sea (9,5) Sea (10,5) Sea (11,5) Sea
(0,6) City (10000 ppl.) (1,6) City (10000 ppl.) (2,6) City (10000 ppl.) (3,6) Forest (4,6) City (10000 ppl.) (5,6) City (10000 ppl.) (6,6) Wasteland (7,6) Sea (8,6) Sea (9,6) Sea (10,6) Sea (11,6) Sea
(0,7) City (10000 ppl.) (1,7) Forest (2,7) City (10000 ppl.) (3,7) City (10000 ppl.) (4,7) City (10000 ppl.) (5,7) Forest (6,7) City (10000 ppl.) (7,7) Sea (8,7) Sea (9,7) Sea (shallow) (10,7) Sea (shallow) (11,7) Sea
(0,8) Wasteland (1,8) Wasteland (2,8) Forest (3,8) City (10000 ppl.) (4,8) City (10000 ppl.) (5,8) City (10000 ppl.) (6,8) Forest (7,8) Forest (8,8) Sea (shallow) (9,8) Mountain (10,8) Sea (shallow) (11,8) Wasteland
(0,9) Sea (1,9) Sea (shallow) (2,9) Sea (3,9) City (10000 ppl.) (4,9) Forest (5,9) City (10000 ppl.) (6,9) Sea (7,9) Sea (8,9) Farm (14000 ppl. scale) (9,9) Wasteland (10,9) Wasteland (11,9) Mountain
(0,10) Sea (shallow) (1,10) Wasteland (2,10) Sea (3,10) Sea (4,10) Sea (5,10) Sea (6,10) Sea (7,10) Sea (8,10) Wasteland (9,10) Wasteland (10,10) Wasteland (11,10) Wasteland
(0,11) Sea (1,11) Wasteland (2,11) Mountain (3,11) Wasteland (4,11) Sea (5,11) Sea (6,11) Sea (7,11) Sea (8,11) Forest (9,11) Forest (10,11) Forest (11,11) Forest

HACHIKUJI Island tourist guestbook
*Secret communication costs 300M$.
Password Your island name Communication method
Public Secret
Name Comment Action
No. Recorded comments
12047: hachikuji > so anywhere as fine as long as ur not trying to pwn my island
22047: hachikuji > im usually AFK for a couple of turns at a time
32045: kaguya > is 4,2 good? (Gensokyo Island)
42037: kaguya > (;´Д`) (Gensokyo Island)
51983: Chuu Islander > aiming 5,7 (Chuu Island)
61902: Chuu Islander > needs moar farm! (Chuu Island)
71820: ichigo > ouch! (Unyuu Island)
81793: Chuu Islander > needs moar farm! (Chuu Island)
91773: hachikuji > unyuu~ no problem
101772: ichigo > thx for the unyuu nano~ (Unyuu Island)

HACHIKUJI Island's recent activity
=====[Turn 2048]================================================
Turn 2048: It seems as if HACHIKUJI Island's forests have increased.
=====[Turn 2047]================================================
Turn 2047: At HACHIKUJI Island (8, 11), ground leveling has been completed.
=====[Turn 2046]================================================
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (5, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (4, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 2).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (5, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (5, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (4, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (4, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Gensokyo Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: It seems as if HACHIKUJI Island's forests have increased.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the shallow sea at (4, 1) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it hit the wasteland at (5, 3).
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (3, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the forest at (5, 3) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2046: The remains of the Inora monster were valued at 400M$.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the Inora monster at (5, 2). The Inora monster ran out of strength and collapsed.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the city at (4, 3) and destroyed the entire area.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, but it landed on the sea at (4, 2) instead, so no damage was done.
Turn 2046: Chuu Island targeted HACHIKUJI Island (4, 2) with a pinpoint missile launch, which hit the Inora monster at (5, 2). The Inora monster roared in agony.
=====[Turn 2045]================================================
Turn 2045: A Inora monster appeared on HACHIKUJI Island!! The city at (5, 2) has been trampled.
Turn 2045: At HACHIKUJI Island (9, 11), ground leveling has been completed.
=====[Turn 2044]================================================
Turn 2044: It seems as if HACHIKUJI Island's forests have increased.
=====[Turn 2043]================================================
Turn 2043: At HACHIKUJI Island (10, 11), ground leveling has been completed.

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