Welcome to [hachikuji Island]!!
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Rank Population Funds Food Area Farms Factories Mines
6 83000 ppl. Estimated 8000M$ 999900 t 5700 sq mi 20000 ppl. 50000 ppl. None owned

(0,0) Sea (1,0) Sea (2,0) Sea (3,0) Forest (4,0) Forest (5,0) Forest (6,0) Sea (shallow) (7,0) Sea (8,0) Sea (shallow) (9,0) Mountain (10,0) Sea (shallow) (11,0) Sea
(0,1) Sea (1,1) Sea (2,1) Sea (3,1) Sea (4,1) Forest (5,1) City (10000 ppl.) (6,1) Forest (7,1) Sea (shallow) (8,1) Sea (9,1) Sea (shallow) (10,1) Sea (shallow) (11,1) Sea
(0,2) Sea (1,2) Sea (2,2) Sea (3,2) Sea (4,2) Forest (5,2) City (10000 ppl.) (6,2) Forest (7,2) Sea (shallow) (8,2) Sea (9,2) Sea (10,2) Sea (11,2) Sea
(0,3) Sea (1,3) Sea (2,3) Sea (3,3) Sea (4,3) Sea (5,3) Forest (6,3) City (10000 ppl.) (7,3) Forest (8,3) Factory (50000 ppl. scale) (9,3) Sea (10,3) Sea (11,3) Sea
(0,4) Sea (1,4) Sea (2,4) Sea (3,4) City (10000 ppl.) (4,4) Town (3000 ppl.) (5,4) Forest (6,4) City (10000 ppl.) (7,4) Forest (8,4) Forest (9,4) Sea (shallow) (10,4) Sea (11,4) Sea
(0,5) Sea (1,5) Sea (2,5) Sea (3,5) City (10000 ppl.) (4,5) Forest (5,5) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (6,5) Forest (7,5) Forest (8,5) Farm (10000 ppl. scale) (9,5) Forest (10,5) Sea (shallow) (11,5) Sea
(0,6) Sea (1,6) Sea (2,6) Wasteland (3,6) Wasteland (4,6) Forest (5,6) Wasteland (6,6) Wasteland (7,6) Plains (8,6) Forest (9,6) Sea (shallow) (10,6) Sea (11,6) Sea
(0,7) Sea (1,7) Sea (2,7) Wasteland (3,7) Mountain (4,7) City (10000 ppl.) (5,7) City (10000 ppl.) (6,7) Forest (7,7) Forest (8,7) Plains (9,7) Forest (10,7) Sea (shallow) (11,7) Sea
(0,8) Sea (1,8) Sea (2,8) Sea (shallow) (3,8) Wasteland (4,8) Sea (shallow) (5,8) Wasteland (6,8) Sea (shallow) (7,8) Forest (8,8) Plains (9,8) Forest (10,8) Sea (shallow) (11,8) Sea (shallow)
(0,9) Sea (1,9) Sea (2,9) Sea (3,9) Sea (shallow) (4,9) Wasteland (5,9) Sea (shallow) (6,9) Sea (shallow) (7,9) Sea (shallow) (8,9) Forest (9,9) Plains (10,9) Forest (11,9) Sea (shallow)
(0,10) Sea (1,10) Sea (2,10) Sea (3,10) Sea (4,10) Sea (5,10) Sea (6,10) Sea (7,10) Sea (8,10) Forest (9,10) Plains (10,10) Forest (11,10) Sea (shallow)
(0,11) Sea (1,11) Sea (2,11) Sea (3,11) Sea (4,11) Sea (5,11) Sea (6,11) Sea (7,11) Sea (8,11) Sea (shallow) (9,11) Forest (10,11) Forest (11,11) Forest

hachikuji Island tourist guestbook
*Secret communication costs 300M$.
Password Your island name Communication method
Public Secret
Name Comment Action
No. Recorded comments
11770: hachikuji > im niot sure ehat hako niwa kamisama is palnning
21769: kaguya > (;゚Д゚) (Gensokyo Island)
31769: Chuu Islander > immediate HUEG METEORITE!!? (;゚∇゚) (Chuu Island)
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 >
10 >

hachikuji Island's recent activity
=====[Turn 2048]================================================
Turn 2048: At hachikuji Island (7, 6), deforestation has been completed.

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