Users logged in: 1
Player storage period: 90 days (7 days if player has 0 job changes or is below Lvl 2)
Capacity: 21 / 3000 users

Welcome to @Party II, an online multiplayer RPG in your browser!

If it's your first time playing, check the manual to learn how to play.
Following the beginner's course is highly recommended.

Recent screenshots
【MushroomForest Round 10

22 / 52

28 / 28

490 / 490

27 / 27

@System: cocoa went deeper into MushroomForest...
@MorpheanMushroomA,@Treeface,@MorpheanMushroomB appeared! (2024/05/06 17:39:42)

cocoa: @Proceed (2024/05/06 17:39:42)

cocoa: @Attack >@WoebergineA @WoebergineA received 12 damage! @WoebergineA was defeated!
cocoa and company each received 4 Exp and 4 G!
(2024/05/06 17:39:37)